Beer Saturday - Lemon Beer and co. / レモンビールと仲間たち

in BEERlast month (edited)

It is getting hotter in Germany. Time to post Beer Saturday #357. Thanks to @detlev for hosting the fun beer gathering on Hive 🍺

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 357

I'd like to introduce lemonade beer that is perfect for this time of year. I wonder is lemonade beer common in Japan now. When I moved to Europe around 2011, it probably wasn't common yet, and I remember being impressed the first time I drank Gösser's Radler in Austria.

Looking at the list of ingredients, half of it is lemonade. So it is sweet. So sweet that I drink it in snack time or after dinner, except at barbecues.

Again with this brewery's beer, I couldn't get the foam to form properly...but the color was beautiful.

The store staff was kind and offered me an already cooled bottel, so I came home from shopping and immediately toasted on the balcony. It was simply nice.

While I was drinking this, my partner, who rarely drinks alcohol, said “I wanted to drink it too, but the supermarket I stopped by didn't have any alcohol-free ones 😢”, so I bought a bottle of alcohol-free one too.

On the shelf, I found that the alcohol-free ones were not only with lemon, but also grapefruit, and elderflower. There was even black beer and lemon combination.

I am definitely a fan of alcoholic bitter beer, but I thought this variety of alcohol-free beers looked fun and nice.

Happy Beer Saturday and have a great weekend everyone 🍻

🍺 🍋 🍺

ドイツも暑くなってきました。ということで(?)Beer Saturday #357 に投稿します。気軽に楽しくビールも飲んで投稿できるコミュニティーを運営してくださっている @detlev さんに感謝です 🍺

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 357







それでは Happy Beer Saturday 🍻 みなさん良い週末を!


I hate beer, but you took some amazing photos 😁

Thanks Erikah! Your comment motivates me to practice photo. I hated beer but I changed my mind all of a sudden after skiing.

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Thank you for curating my post, @bhattg & @hivecurators! Have a nice weekend 🍻

@akipponn, you are most welcome!

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ドイツではもうそこかしこでこのレモンビール売られています。オレンジジュース版もおいしそう、むしろビットコイナーならオレンジ!なんて。この夏試してみたいです・・・といいつつ私はおっさんビールを飲んでしまうんですよ 😂 ラドラーも多分飲んでも2-3本で、今ネタにせねばと書いたのでした。ビールと混ぜると言えば、ビール+トマトジュースのレッドアイってありますよね。これまたトマトジュースの買い置きがないので、今度飛行機に乗るときにやってみようかな🍅

Cheers! 🍻 We call juice-blended beers Radlers. !BEER

 last month  

Hey @akipponn, here is a little bit of BEER from @seckorama for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

I love a good Radler on a hot day - We don't get a lot of them in Australia unfortunately - Radlers that is, we get plenty of hot days

The photos look very beautiful!