Summertime, and the living is busy

in #homesteading5 years ago

It's been a crazy week over here, and I haven't had time to do any posting in days. I will try to squeeze in a quick update before the madness begins for the day.

Fruit season is well under way, which is my favorite time of year. The blueberry bushes are loaded, and while ours don't produce enough to do anything more than happy grazing, there's a huge blueberry farm down the road where I generally go to pick twenty pounds every summer. I am hoping to get over there this weekend once things have calmed down a little.


The goats get pretty excited when I'm out in the garden, because there are often treats for them. They did get a few berries while I was picking, but they would have preferred that I move the fence and give them the whole bush.


The blackberries are ripening everywhere, and one of the biggest perks of my job is that I can take breaks from clipping the canes and do a little grazing. The goats shouldn't have all the fun.


I haven't had the time or energy yet to go harvesting on a large enough scale for a batch of jam, but that's on my schedule for the next few days too. For now I am reveling in the fleeting pleasure of eating blackberries right off the canes, still warm from the sun. There's really nothing that compares.

The brush goats are eating their share of berries as well, so I don't feel guilty for eating in front of them. They are almost done with the area they've been working on, and I have started clipping a path through the wall of berries on the other end of the hill. Once they finish the next section, they will be done with this job and I will hopefully get a short break before they start their next job, which is a big one.


My friend's peach trees are in full swing, so it's been all hands on deck to harvest and process them. The peaches have a very short window, so any we want to use and not feed to the wasps have to be picked quickly. It's not such a bad chore.


Yesterday I made the first batch of jam of the season. Peach jam is like summer in a jar. I will make another batch as soon as this post is done. I don't usually do any canning before morning chores, but these days it's the easiest option.


The little herd is plowing through everything I give them. One of the benefits of keeping the smaller guys in their own group was supposed to be the relative ease of keeping them fed. What I apparently didn't factor in was that without the bigger goats pushing the little guys out of the way, there's nothing stopping them from a solid day of eating except for their need for the occasional nap. So I've been moving their fence every couple of days. Sigh.


After adjusting their fence yesterday, I took a short break and just lay down in the alder grove and looked up at the trees. There was a gentle breeze blowing the tops around, and the sound the long branches make when they brush against each other is almost musical. I might have fallen asleep there if Screech hadn't come over to check on me. Eskimo kisses with goats are very cute but not really sleep inducing.


Well, it's 6 am now, and time to make some more jam! I will close with a shot from my friend's dock the other evening. I take a lot of pictures from this spot, but it's always beautiful, so I can't stop myself.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Good morning @goat-girlz, that was a wonderful post, you are one busy lady. Our blueberries are awesome this year, we have already picked and processed 44 lbs. Going for one more outing today to try to reach an all time high of 50 lbs.
The raspberries came and went, but I did get several good batches which I boil down and make a sauce that we love to use for salad dressing and on fish, or ice cream. Now we are starting to see blackberries mature, we have thousands of them, a very good year for berries. Glad your having success with your #fruitsandveggies. Have a wonderful day!

I saw your impressive heaps of blueberries! I would love to put in more bushes so I could harvest that much right here at home, but space is limited. At a dollar a pound, driving down the road is a pretty good option. Our raspberries have come and gone as well. They are always a highlight of the summer. I am also moving on to blackberries! It's definitely been a very good year for berries, apparently on both sides of the country!

Wow! The peach jam looks really good! Your goats have very funny smiles!
Would love to pick and eat fresh berries too. That pond is very beautiful! You could go swimming in that pond?!

Thank you! I love making jam. The pond isn't really a pond. It's part of the river. Just a really quiet part. It's okay to swim in at high tide, but it's a little gross when the tide is out.

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They look like they are saying "gimme, gimme!" hahahaha

That's exactly what they're saying!

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wow harvest time and lucky goats 😀

It's crazy busy but really fun!

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Wow.....!! A yummy delicious post ..!!
Everything is ripening. Summer is going to fast.
The peaches are coming along here.
I absolutely positively love peach jam..😋..🤗..

Summer always goes too fast! Especially now, when the canning is in full swing. There's a sense of urgency to get it done before it's gone.

Peach jam is so wonderful. I feel lucky to have a friend with peach trees!

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Such a great post. I'm trying to remember if i ever have had peach jam? Hmm...

The park i go to in Seal Beach has a lot of nice trees. I go and lay under them and listen to the wind and trees singing : )

If I had your address I would send you some jam! It's so yummy.

The park sounds lovely. Having a place to relax outside makes such a difference in my mental health. It must be even more so for you, living in the middle of all those people.

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This is what you call a quick update?! Before you do some canning which you do before you go out to do morning chores?!!!
Funny lines and all while I am still dreaming away
the goats shouldn't have all the fun
You are incredible

Hahahaha! Thank you! It's been a very busy week and I feel a little disconnected. It's good to chat with people again.

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That jam looks amazing. And eskimo kisses with goats sound pretty amazing too.

The jam is pretty tasty, I have to say. And yes, the Eskimo kisses are awesome. Very sweet.

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Such an awesome post. I love the pic of the gap in the hedge looking up to the house. And the blueberries look supreme !

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Thank you! The gap in the hedge was very hard won, I can tell you. And it's gone now. The goats ate everything.

Awww, I love that second photo! They look so content, there. It's nice to see the berries ripe. Everything seems behind in Minnesota.

They are always pretty happy when they are getting treats. I hope your berries catch up. You have had the worst luck with your weather this year!