Money 101: Quantitative Easing and Tightening

in LeoFinance2 months ago

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We hear these discussed quite often. However, did you know they are actually the opposite of what the central banks propose?

In this video I cover these concepts and how backwards they are. Like many things with money, we are mislead (intentionally for the most part in my view) so we do not truly understand what is going on. This is especially true when it comes to the central banks.

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This is an interesting discussion. I honestly don't quite understand these well, so this was very educational. I really think we need more financial related information in schools to better educate people.

👍 !PGM

On seeing this post and watching the video now, I made a great exhale because I have been longing to hear about this, especially the misleading part which central banks do take part in.

I really appreciate your time, efforts and ability to put together this video, keep the good work on @taskmaster4450

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