Grunge - Time travel edition

in Music2 months ago

Welcome to my #TTT #Three Tune Tuesday entry!

If we think of a musical style that marked the 90s, it is surely grunge. Born on the streets of Seatle and not always consensual, the style was either loved or loathed by others from an early age. Having been born in the 78s, in 1990 I was at my peak, 22 years old, with all the adrenaline that a youth normally experienced brings, even though I was a nerd, chubby... I ended up taking refuge in the lyrics of the grunge bands that populated the radio stations, and tended to do so at night. I still remember long hours listening to the best-known radio stations, with my finger cocked ready to record the track I wanted to hear over and over again on the cassette... Good times before Napster! Who remembers this distribution platform that caused such a frenzy?
Shortly afterwards it was mp3 tracks that we all pirated, and we didn't stop listening to the music because we couldn't afford the then expensive compact discs... Good times!

I'm still from the days when my dedication also showed in the clothes I wore. And even though I lived on a completely different latitude, I thought I should also wear flannel shirts, even though I wasn't in Seattle!

Here I want to share three songs that I struggled to select. As an avid music lover, and a very eclectic one at that, it was very difficult to choose just three. I chose not to pick from just one group. Who knows, maybe I'll do a second edition of this theme!

Three Tune Tuesday.gif
GIF Image created in Canva with a free image from Pixabay

The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Don't be a stranger, and join the musical weekly ride!




These are beautiful tunes, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for sharing it

Thank you @ashiru for your comment and appreciation! No much young kids know these tunes nowadays Ahahah

Ahh these bring back memories.

It is a true pleasure to see that made a difference in you :) So nice to read that brought you memories :)

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