#BeerSaturday 333 - IPA Fun Box Part 2!

in #beersaturday10 months ago


333 weeks in a row seemed like a pipe dream when #beersaturday started over 6 years ago?!

Being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting and chugging pints, my fridge looks like a colourful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I deliver the much-anticipated sequel to the IPA tasters pack I tore into last week!


IPA Fun Box! 7th Edition!


As discussed way back in week 332, I love finding seasonal variety packs and even more so when they are all IPA likeRefined Fool Brewing likes to do with their IPA FUN BOX! This is a repeating series with a couple old favourites and a few new beers you might not find again in places other than the brewery.


I have sampled most if not all of these funboxes but was pleased to discover the 7th Edition of the IPA Fun Box. Last week, we tucked into a comfy Track Suit and spied on Darren's Internet Search History.

Short Pier Long Walk


It had been so long since I enjoyed this double IPA that I totally forgot it was in the first ever IPA Fun Box. Pretty close to the time I discovered this brewery. They describe it as 8.4% Double IPA: This classic West Coast DIPA has a calm malt backbone making way for a maelstrom of rich, earthy and devastatingly tasty hops (Simcoe, Centennial, Columbus).


This is what it looked like back in 2020 when I first discovered it. Apparently the camera on my phone was not as good as this model or I hadn't developed the habit of wiping off the lens before taking pics. Solid beer and decent IPA though I found it a touch syrupy as many Double IPAs are. Neat addition of Centennial ale hops but there was just too much residual sugar for the dryness to punch through. It poured nice and foamy and was a bit of an adventure to get through but damn good enough.

Nothing to See Here


The last new one to sample is what claims to be an east coast IPA which should be nice and full and sweet. I wondered what Cryopop is and am happy to learn that it is a blend of hops that proclaims to deliver massive tropical, stone fruit and citrus aromas. I like these things in an IPA!


Not much imagination evident on the back label except maybe a leap of daiquiri. Turned out to be a beautifully sweet yet dank unfiltered hipsters paradise as far as I am concerned. The website describes it as Nothing to See Here — 6% East Coast IPA: This juicy chaos in a can is brewed with Cryopop, a supercharged hop with notes of peach, pineapple, grapefruit and even a hint of daiquiri and I can agree with that. I am notsure what the possibility of catching this brew on its own and not having to buy all 6 of the others in order to taste it again, but I would consider it. This is my pick for the batch.


We don't have as great a relationship as I have with other breweries but I appreciate how many different IPAs you pump out trying to find your groove. These are turning out nicely and the dumbass names can be forgiven as you experiment and explore the latest hops.



I've got you now! It was me?!!? Join the other beer sealing usual suspects with @detlev and instantly become a beer blogger here (https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-333)
This week for #BeerSaturday, I was going to invite @michelmake but I see he has already taken up the challenge! Take a few pictures, tag #beersaturday and raise a glass with us on Hive! Beer = retirement fund!

Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!




Which would you choose to drink first?


Yum. That would look very good under the Christmas Tree. I know what I want now… 🎄 🎁

‘Tis the season for gift boxes is it not? There should be some fun ones to review for #beersaturday the next couple months and perhaps I should grab myself one of those beer advent calendars!

I'm not sure I can go for a long walk when I've had Short Pier, especially when I've had a few :P

Haha ya. Too many of these 8.4% babies and someone is gonna end up getting wet!

Refined fool brewing, hahaha, the name shows that it's fools that brewed it right? Lolz.

Please don't take such beer too much to avoid turning into a fool hahaha.

One thing I love so much is tht IPA fun box. Don't be jealous oo

Yes it seems like a shallow play on words is enough to name a brewery or a beer after. Not bad and they do a good job with their gift box creativity.

Clever names are all the rage with micro brews these days.
"Syrupy" as a descriptor does not sound appealing to me. I think I would go for the 2nd choice. It sounds tropical, which might be interesting.

Yes the second one was a little better all around. More balanced sweetness, reasonable abv and even the design is better.

Not really fair to compare an east coast ipa to a double but I would have 2 of the former before doubling up on long walk.

Yeah I hear you. Makes sense

Apart from the way that the Beer looks, I love their cans
They really look good

Hi @zekepickleman I am happy to be a part of this community and hope to make many friends here. Now I start my new life after prison. I will be grateful for your support.

There is very little time left, this event is huge and people start decorating it right now.

Another time to enjoy the great Saturday

I really like the mixed packs. I don't drink the same beer multiple times I much rather try a bunch to see what I like.