
Unfortunately people do not understand the differences between public and private...everything done in the public is government controlled!!!

the simple answer to avoid public/government regulations is private contract in conjunction with NOT TELLING THE PUBLIC what you are doing and/or have done...

contact makes the law!!!

governments know this...that's why by YOUR OWN CONSENT most of the people in this world have contracted away their own natural born freedoms for some kind of benefit from essentially a bankrupt corporation posing as a government...

and people keep scratching their heads wondering why original organic constitutions aligned with unalienable rights aka natural born freedoms are IGNORED...

CONTRACT makes the law

  1. I do not answer questions.
  2. I do not consent (to search, seizure, anything they request).
  3. I have no contract with you.
  4. What crime (misdemeanor or felony) have I committed?
  5. Stay calm and respectful. Verbally, nicely warn them to not touch you, back into you, etc (they can use "your" touch as their excuse to arrest you under felonious assault charges, disorderly conduct, etc). Imo, their egos will do them in, so just stick to those basics. Keep your camera on them at all times and always get their names and badge/id numbers verbalized. Remember, you are sovereign.

food shortage is here?