Happy Valentine's day..
It's been a wonderful day for me and now I'm sad again..
I planned to write a very lengthy post but now the tears built up in my eyes won't allow me see what I'm writing..
I was going to do a transfer to an exchanger account in hopes of getting some more money for my cake for Saturday's event and now I just lost my hard earned steem.
I was meant to send to @steemexchanger and then my phone froze and I sent to @stee, an inactive account
I even sent 0.001 SBD with a memo asking for refund and I discovered the account isn't even active.
I will just go cry myself to sleep now..
I believe with the morning will come hope.
Hope you enjoyed your day?
I'm so sorry dear. Anything I can do to help?☺
Yeah.. cry with me
So sorry dear
Cry with me
@joecxt feel sad for you, but you see its always good to pay verry good attention, may i hope you get it back but i ges its a not used steemit account
Thanks so much @jackjohanneshemp I'm really sad.. I've learnt tho. I will always double check before doing anything
Sorry dear i can imagine the feeling
Same thing just happened to me
Shit.. like.. when?? It's so painful bruh