B(l)ack Mirror - Part 3

in #creativity4 years ago


What follows is a continuation of Hairy, The Ape - Part 1 and Hairy, The Ape - Part 2. Make sure to read those short episodes first...


It was raining in the tunnels, even though there was a roof. Although most lizards and reptiles like the rain, hypersensitivosaurus wasn't one of them. Unless it fell in the form of an almost unnoticeable drizzle, it was usually either too wet, too cold and or too distracting. And, worst of all, it often seemed to drain his energy and increase his negative thinking.


At first he thought it was so silent that he could hear his thoughts. It took him a while to realize that the tunnel was full of voices.

"Don't wait for us!
Start eating when you're hungry."

And then it became more and more difficult to make sense of the words. Everything started to sound as if under water, more like whale sounds. Eerie, alien and beautiful, all at the same time.

Hypersensitivosaurus looked down and saw - to his surprise - that only his legs were almost submerged. The water now seemed to come from underneath, not from above, its level rising slowly but steadily.

He started to shiver uncontrollably.

If it hadn't been for the irresistible smell of Hairy, the ape, Hypersensitivosaurus would have turned around at this point and gone back through the mirror where he entered the dark side but this scent and his ever-increasing curiosity got the best of him. He had to continue...


He's gone through the upside down? Or is underneath the bottom of the ocean like in Moana XD

I honestly don't know. I seem to have lost him in the Lion's den...

Oh no :D