President butthurt Biden has a gun control scam...

in #deepdives3 years ago


Wow and crackhead in Chief President Biden Mr he can't even walk upstairs without falling down because he is so inept is now going to conquer the human races most prolific long-term problem.


Oh and this problem has been around ever since human beings evolved that opposable thumb. Oh wait no actually it is more of an issue like...

Human beings are violent and emotional.

Yep that's right we can figure out massively complicated ways of using a simple stick to kill people.

Let alone stab them to death with screwdrivers scissors or a kitchen knife.

However instead of actually holding these criminals accountable, these criminals get some crazy 8 year sentence and get released back onto the street to commit more murder mayhem death destruction and crimes.

Currently the Portland Oregon area is going through a massive unprecedented crime wave due to the fact that the police cannot respond due to complete understanding and as well massive amounts of violent crime tying up any little resources left over.

Yep that's right the cops aren't going to show up if your shoplifting or pretty much any crime unless you're trying to kill somebody right then and there.
Yep the cops will show up getting to a quick gunfight kill the perpetrator hop in the car and fly off to the next truly violent episode.

So in all this gun control debate it is actually extremely easy for any officer to get support from his local police department as well as having a special set of laws that enable him to circumvent quite a bit of the paperwork or just get help having it all filled out.

So basically police officers are allowed to have short barrel rifles and fully automatic machine guns. Let alone belt fed weapons that are fully automatic and really should only be in the hands of military... Hehe. Hopefully you saw what I just said...

Oh what about those grenade launchers and tanks? Yep all in the hands of citizens.

So where is all the fear? Oh yes that's right the police department is actually pretty much its own militia and every individual in that building is armed.

However this entire idea that simple human beings who are citizens do not deserve or need firearms. Yep that's right you don't need self defense because a bunch of politicians deem that you're right to self-defense could end up getting in the way of their plans to legislate everyone into a criminal.

Yep that's right we need more useless laws and to hand out over a billion dollars to combat a problem that really doesn't even exist.

Yep that's right if you are a criminal you are going to pick a city where individuals are not allowed to defend themselves or protect their property.

However when the prey can fight back all of a sudden there is a hesitation from predators.

Yep that's right criminals really don't want to get hurt or end up in prison let alone get shot and killed.

So basically in all of this if we really want to combat crime let us hold those who commit these crimes countable and figure out ways to clean up the justice system as well as treat our inmates with respect and dignity.

A society is judged on how well they treat their prisoners.

While the American system does have a massive amount of flaws and issues we are still looking at the best system in the world.

I actually have immigrant friends of mine from around the world who have told me about the problems in their countries and have told me how good Americans have it here. Yep that's right A friend of mine was tortured in jail over a speeding ticket and others have relayed other horror stories.

Now I absolutely do see that we need to have checks and balances on the police and courts.

Those super scary ghost guns



But oh my God oh my God oh my God they're so scary

Okay number one all these scary guns have been around for a very very long time and it is due to ignorance and lack of knowledge that people are afraid of guns.

Well I'm afraid of anything will kill me which includes spoons forks knives glass traffic accidents vehicles heart disease smoking which I happen to smoke quite a bit....

Well now if we related gun control to vehicle accidents. How about we ban cars because of drunk drivers?

A drunk driver can kill a phenomenal amount of people with a completely legal as well as government allowed moving death trap. And then add on top of it a full gas tank and two people burning to death.

However building a gun is as easy as a nail and plumbing scraps.

Anyone with a base knowledge can make a cannon.

A lot of hobbyists are doing this thing with Glocks and other firearms just called 80% manufacturing which is completely legal and allowable. I mean even in countries that have the ultimate strictness of gun control they find home built manufactured firearms all the time..

And let me tell you they have done some pretty incredible things.

anyway back to the polymer 80 and the ghost gun Glocks since I posted up some pictures of all that.

Well other than the frame which you can legally get an 80% frame and do 20% of milling and manufacturing work to turn that into a firearm. And of course the rest of it is all small parts that can be mail ordered to your home because let's face it a gun enthusiast will actually end up losing gun parts here and there.

Yep especially anything under spring tension watch that then part fly across the room and disappear....

So we are not exactly sure what all is going to go on however president butthurt and the crackhead and chief of the cocaine importation into the United States for his son...

Which actually Hunter Biden has come out in a recent scandal about federal firearms violations... Oh yeah. That's actually a serious crime that only a completely corrupt government would allow to happen but of course because we are speaking about President butthurt let's sell American interests and access to the highest bidder?

How about we start a war with the common people and completely in alienate the far majority of your American citizens...

It seems like the Democratic party is doubling down on stupid.

The more I see the political moves like naming an extreme hardcore gun control idiot who has very little idea of how firearms and firearms laws work in this country to the head of the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms which is responsible for such wonderful tragedies as Ruby ridge and murdering all those children and it isn't civilians in Waco Texas.

And then on top of it this is one of the most corrupt organizations ever.

And this is absolutely the best work ever because not only did I immediately stand corrected after perusing this briefly...

Because I absolutely did forget operation fast and furious. Which ended up killing a bunch of our law enforcement agents and officers.

Yep that's a great one.

So they can even do this wonderful thing called allowing me to share their work...

Well I will do my best to share a couple of extreme highlights.



And of course let's definitely include a bunch of racism with this case....


And breaking news I have just been educated myself.

And holy cow let's look just at the front page here.


This is an entire website dedicated solely to exposing the truth and for some reason I have never heard of this...

It goes to show you absolutely how bad of an agency this actually was and the fact that it was defunded under the Trump administration and experience some massive hits, only to be born again by a corrupt administration that somehow cheated its way into office.

The only thing is that abuse of power and corruption is going to motivate the American citizens into truly making a stand and fighting back.

Personally I dislike all politicians so the window for Hope and real change as well as the return to law and order instead of freeing criminals and enabling prison inmates to get the shortest possible sentence....

Maybe we need to start handing out guns to private citizens and allowing them to own carry and buy whatever they want. Time and time again when I have seen these mass shootings stopped it is always because of a citizen with a gun.

Which actually is really good idea for me to do here in a bit.

Honestly enough how do we stop these mass shootings? We allow citizens to protect themselves and freely have access do whatever tool they wish.

It would be my belief that all constitutional rights are more valuable than gold. And it was not even their language that wrote this.

This is a direct connection to the Native American people who influenced a bunch of immigrants into completely changing everything they knew about the world and giving them language to do it.

Yep that's right this was all the Iroquois Confederacy.

Simple Google food and a quick screenshot...

Yep hidden history is pretty amazing, the hidden part is that the Iroquois Confederacy said a delegation to help the founding fathers right to Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights.

So the Constitution would be just a close copy of the Iroquois Confederacy Constitution.

Which makes this a Native American document. Completely written and signed upon the North American continent. Which actually the North American continent is one continent. It is connected.

Anyway thank you everybody and hopefully you enjoyed all of my writings and sources.

This kind of started off kind of as a quick little post and ended up really exploding after I started getting to know what was all going on.


Bruh your username got me wheezing 😂. I never liked Biden, he seems like he practice stuff he want to say for hours but still forgets anyway. And end up speaking something unreliable and offensive.

Biden is a deep fake or actor or body double. Its tooe xpensive to let real biden speak, hes too unpredicatbkle

if DC was hive or a blockchain would you ever allow bidens real account? No youd make a fake one like justin sun style and pretend, and then tell everyone its real biden and have the actor using the deep fake moca[p greenscreen mask read off scripts voted on by a CIA blockchain like on voice lol but it still sucks because its not really decentralized its just one small company trying to use a witness and delegated proof fo stake type voting system but it still sucks, god the government is fucking lame

but yeah its not a real person its a conglomoration of deep fakes

YES ITS ALL DEEP FAKES EVERY SINGLE VIDEO even a LOT of the DC insurrection was ALL FAKE all these ARRESTS? all FAKE, u cant verify it

its just like the otehr false flags, theyre just trying to get peopel to believe in hollywood deep fakes and they ACT LIKE THEY DONT HAVE perfect hollywood level PIXAR servers at their beck and call? THEY PAY FOR IT


if i can make deep fakes for liek free, imagine what i could do if i had a few million dollars in BTC i could probably change the course of history with 1000 deep fakes generated with so many news companies which we start buying up and just make deep fakes AS A POLICY


ITS ALL 100% HOLLYWOOD DUE TO RATIONALS ELF INTERST, IT CANT NOT be! its too big to fail! its a big centralized corrupt system lieks teemit man they YES WILL 100% FAKE STUFF from news to elections look what justin sun did to steem hahaha thats the same microcosm fractal applied on everythjing man, in fact theyd id that to steem FIRST and what happeend to america was sort of a macro cosm oif what was tested out on steem, centralizing a truley decentralized system

its a war between decentralization and centralization

I can't argue with any of your points good job and actually an excellent point of view.

Totally agreed. I think Biden is more racist than Trump itself. Man is acting his personality to make himself look good at public poles. Never liked Biden ever.

yeah Trump is an Inner city new York LIBERAL who used to be on TV, NBC, SNL, Disney movies, michael jacksons best friend

and Biden is an old KKK style SOuthern racist policy adjacent old analog to Robert Byrd

If you don't like my crackhead son then you're not black.

not president, administrator

Would the real President ever act like this lol no this is a private corporation president broadcast on privately owned news media

the fact that a bunch of americans all believe it doesnt make it real

its like if a bunch of americans all believed they owned BTC but it was BCH and they all started trading it at BTC prices.. oh will they be in for an arbitrage wakeup call hurt pain day

thats exactly whats happening now TRUTH ARBITRAGE

doesnt matter how many people believe a lie about the foundation of a building. if they keep disobeying physics, like in China, the buildings collapse and people die in their communist built boxes.

America will have a wakeup call but plenty of lifebitcoats

Is a complete show everybody knows it. It is all theater and smoke and mirrors. He really isn't in charge of anything and he can barely think let alone negotiate a set of stairs.

However he does sniff children and behave very oddly around minors....

put something in the title about the Native American Governance and Lawsuits to Reclaim Land from RunAway Federal Government as a WEDGE to use SJW politics to actually restore America. Get our foot in the door using virtue signalling and use it AGAINST them like AKIDO

"Oops I hade an Ackzido"


Oh wow that is really awesome can I get some more information about that coin?

And yes I am completely astounded about how much everything is really connected in the world.

telos! Get free Telos wallet with or on mobile get some TLOS on with EOS or use and convert ETH or BTC to telos or even chainlink via the site , metamask or btc deposit and get PETH or PBTC



pUSDC on Telos the real USDC from coinbase etc


they will never stop ghost guns and POLYMER80 80$ lower receivers! Buy whole kits for $600 with BTC on

Absolutely and it's pretty crazy how much they are willing to break the law for their agenda