
People will know in the future. If these alt-coin get too big heights. They will get more media coverage.

Remember, most of the non-coiners have absolutly no Idea about crypto-currencies. Every now and then, the media reports about 'BTC reaches $10.000'. But they don't know much else about it.

The only reason that BTC is getting media coverage, that's because 'it's a good investment, with 1700% returns'. They aren't interesting in the technology behind it. They only care about the potential profits.

So if alt-coins like Steem are getting more profits, they will be mentioned in the media, too.

You make a solid point. That is how I have interpreted it as well. I think they are buying it as an investment and not realizing that it is also a currency... but it leads them to the water that is alt coins.

Well Bitcoin can’t be a currency in its current state. Its not possible. But I also believe that with enough people investing in these cryptos, the prices will stabilize, which would allow for it to be a currency