Understanding what you eat = understanding yourself?

in #food2 years ago

I mean, if we are what we eat, then logically, that should be the case, right?

Who knows? I guess understanding yourself may be something of a more complex process, but I figure going through the guy may be worth a look. I've been focusing more on food, lately, on what I eat, and how it's prepared. A friend who's into cooking exposed me to this sort of thinking, so I figured I'd pay more attention to the whole culinary part of my existence, and was surprised to find how limited and unhealthy it was. Though I don't eat excessive fast food or sweets, I am guilty of eating a lot of processed meats (or cold cuts, or whatever you call it), which aside from unhealthy juju also contain a fuck-ton of salt. So not good. I also tend toward fried foods, a lot.

So I'm trying to change that. I've been eating more salads, fish products, and a lot more vegetables and fruit. And I've been a mess as a result - haha! Not really, though the change in diet has been playing around with my digestive tract, which I figure's good, because maybe it's a detox. I mean, if your body is so unaccustomed to all these healthy products, then surely you were doing something wrong, right?

Funnily enough, I came across Anthony Bourdain's book, "Medium Raw", which features the perfect chapter for my mood right now. It was all about how it's important (and underappreciated) to know how to cook properly. He focused not only on the obvious health and financial benefits of not eating out all the time, but also on the psychological effect. Food tastes better when you make it yourself, doesn't it?


Anyway, to my more culinarily-wise friends, any suggestions? Recipes to try? Tricks to look out for? I'm all ears.


I started eating healthier this year also. There is a definite change in the way the body processes the food. It took a few weeks for me to adjust. Now, I am cutting out the sugar. I started with soft drinks and sweet tea. After about three weeks, I no longer miss them. I had a soda yesterday and it was too sweet and not enjoyable. Good luck on the journey. Cooking at home will greatly assist in eating better and healthier.