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RE: Rise of the Tomb Raider from the perspective of a woman who last played Tomb Raider: Anniversary

in #game7 years ago

I don't know if I'd call this an argument - but I certainly introduce a different perspective to the mix. :c)

Again, from my out-dated perspective of the TR games - such were 3D platformer-shooter-adventures - certainly with a level-design and narrative driven kind of play. Whether a designer can remain 100% true to that concept and justify so many games in a series without a degree of expansion and innovation - is debatable - but all kinds of games have seen growth as the potential of the platform evolved - including classics such as Mario.

I would quite agree that certain design decisions with the latest installment of TR were contrived (the Hunger-Games-inspired shift to a bow for the traditionally dual pistol-wielding protagonist) - and I'd agree that the top-down digital map inclusion was not what it could have been (it would have been more authentic to implement it in a pocket journal - reflecting areas already seen - in rough-to-more detailed format). I would even agree that some accessibility features shouldn't have been turned on by default - or could have been implemented much more subtly (such as in the form of "visualizing" certain less intuitive stunts).

However having such optionally in the game enriches the game for certain players - and experimenting with new techniques could lay the groundwork for better games further down the line.

Thank you kindly for both the response and critique @pipiczech. ^_^


What an exhausting comment again :D
Now I am playing the previous episode - Tomb Raider - and I found it funny that there are almost the same puzzles like in the last game. E.g., using strong wind to destroy some obstacles or to get to the treasure. There should be something new.