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RE: Rise of the Tomb Raider from the perspective of a woman who last played Tomb Raider: Anniversary

in #game7 years ago

Definitely! And there is also online version only the controls are not so user-friendly :D
I don't remember dreaming about some game. I think I have dreams only about some stressful stuff in my life like school, work...


well your schoolwork needs to be your focus just remember the roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet :)

Definitely but I have bad dreams only when there is some assignment, on which I worked to the morning and still didn't finished it. Then the whole night I think about what I should change etc. even when it is late because it is after the deadline.

It might not be much consolation but i still have the odd strange dream (not quite nightmares) about my schooldays and i have been in work 30 years lol, i suppose the pressures of our formative years stay with us through life :)