Dept is rising continuously and the amount of money printed by central banks is going exponential. More and more people begin to agree that this is not sustainable. Huge bubbles are created and future generations will be drowned in dept. The entire world population sees the food prices rising year after year while income remains steady.
An increasing amount of people is living in poverty, in the western world more and more people are struggling to survive till the next paycheck and only a few have enough savings to survive a few months if their income suddenly stops. But the stock markets are around an all time high (although it looks like the tide is turning now, can you imagine how the ‘real economy’ looks like after a huge crash?).
We are in the most positive phase of the business cycle, but almost everyone is struggling financially, WTF!?!?
The stock market is around an all time high while many people are still suffering financially
The future generation will be drowned in dept
Money is created out of thin air
The problem is that almost nobody understands the financial game
Everyone is involved in the financial game, everyone have to pay monthly bills, is storing value and consuming goods and services. The problem is that the financial institutions know perfectly how to play the game and 99% of human population doesn't know anything.
Most people don't even know what money is and how it comes in existence. The education system won’t teach you (why not?!?! it is so important!) and most people are to busy with working full time to earn just enough for living, they won’t teach themselves either. This is exactly the reason that the few rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich (financial institutions) know how to play the game and the poor (normal population) don’t.
Understand inflation
I think inflation is one of the most underestimated treats to humanity. The USD is the world reserve currency, so every dollar printed (out of thin air) will distract value from every world citizen, since everyone on earth uses oil, coal, steel, ect. and these commodes will cost more dollars per unit after more money got created.
The FED is actually a huge pump that is pumping value from all over the world to the American government, banks and stock market (Ah, so that’s why the markets are at ATH while the people are suffering financially…..). This system will steal almost half of your wealth at an inflation rate of 3% in 20 years! With the current exponential rate of money creation this will probably be way higher for most of us (the announced inflation figures are calculated for a standardized basket of product and services and will probably be in their advantage)!
Money creation takes place through quantitive easing (called counterfeiting if normal people do it, a heavy crime because it dilutes value for everyone else…) and fractional reserve banking. QE creates money out of nothing and fractional reserve banking creates it out of dept. Both of them are not right if you think about it and use your common sense.
People that live in poverty have to work themselves up to the inflation first before they can realize any growth, savers loose a huge share of their value that they earned by hard work and people who have money in the bank may not be able to witdraw it because the bank gave it to someone else already.
Understand dept
When you borrow money to buy a house, go to university or buy a nice car you will get in dept. Money represent work. When you go in dept you ow someone money, this means that you ow someone work. By the accumulation of dept in society over time, people became more and more dependent and controllable.
A growing group of people can’t decide anything in their own life anymore, since they are only working to pay for their dept (this counts for entire countries too). When they get behind and can’t pay their bills anymore, they have to do everything their creditors tell them to do to avoid sanctions. Every asset that is bought with dept will be confiscated by the bank when you can’t pay for it anymore. Your house is not your house if you bought it with dept! A house is not an asset, but a liability!
Understand manipulation
The banks are printing money out of thin air and doing fractional reserve banking and the governments are buying this dept and protecting the banking cartel. This creates a very undesirable situation where the players of the game are setting the rules themselves during the match (and sadly the game is played against humanity).
It is like a football competition where the team that plays at home can set the rules and change them during the match, guess which team will win……
Every time when something in the financial system went wrong, the problem didn't get solved, but the rules were simply changed (limits were expanded). This lead to bail outs, QE and rising dept levels, all to finally be paid by the normal man. A very obvious one is the USA dept ceiling:
The government had to close down because the limitations by law were reached, after wasting a lot of money on talking how to solve the problem the government re-opened because they simply shifted the limit and borrowed more money. Guess who is going to pay for this..…
It sound like a joke isn’t it??
With gold and Bitcoin you can play a fair game
Bitcoin and gold are both not connected to the financial system and limited in supply, so immune to inflation. Furthermore they are both not backed by dept, in other words they are not a promise from someone that you can redeem it for something that contains actual value, but they contain the value in itself. You don’t have to trust anyone.
Gold and Bitcoin are not issued by a central party, so there is nobody that can ‘set’ the rules. The rules are set by physics and mathematics. This makes it is a fair game for everyone! When you want to take back the power over your own financial situation assets like gold and Bitcoin are a great tool!
When the stock market crashes, gold and Bitcoin will rocket
We are in a bull market for ten years already driven by QE and dept. The real problems of 2008 are not solved and the real economy is still weak. A bull market normally takes only around 7 years, so we are already overdue.
When the stock market goes bad, gold and Bitcoin will probably to rocket. The charts of the S&P500 and the Dow Jones don’t look pretty, a crash is quite likely. Even if it not happens now it will come soon seen the statistics. It could be a very good idea to sell of your stocks and bonds and accumulate gold and Bitcoin.
The stock market doesn't look pretty
The financial system is heavily corrupted and humanity is suffering. Gold and Bitcoin are a way to escape this negative spiral and survive the upcoming stock market crash. When Bitcoin gains traction it is not only a good thing for the individual, but also for the system as a whole. When the banking cartel faces competition from another financial system for the first time in history (monopoly was always protected by the government), they will be forced to ‘set the rules’ in a more responsible way to keep themselves relevant.
Gold is the more stable and secure option, but the upside potential is limited. The price is rising over time, but when the regular markets are positive it tend to go down. Bitcoin is more risky, but the upside potential is huge. Also when the regular markets are positive, Bitcoin can still rocket because of a growing adoption rate of this new technology.
The best option is to combine gold and Bitcoin in your portfolio. I wrote a protocol to use these assets in symbiose with each other, in a way to enjoy the potential of Bitcoin while demping the crashes through the use of gold:
This is no financial advice, just my view on the market.
Store your Bitcoins securely
Ledger hardware wallet
Trezor hardware wallet
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Buy gold securely with Bitcoin and store in Singapore
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That is not be accident, it's by design. But most people are starting to understand this, and the tide is slowly beginning to turn.
Btw, if stocks crash, bitcoin may also be hit as there is less speculative capital as investors become scared and run for the safety of the dollar.
However, a dollar crisis will surely ignite a gold and bitcoin rally.
Your post is very well written and complete. I is a pleasure to read and upvote it.
While the market for gold is far larger - and more mature - than that of bitcoin, the digital currency is enjoying rising adoption.
obviously better option is to combine gold and Bitcoin in our portfolio.
It is more likely that Bitcoin is viewed as digital gold than a currency.
A well written post that is very timely considering the volatility that has come back to haunt financial markets. Stock markets around the globe will not be able to tolerate the Fed's Quantative Tightening and programme of interest rate rises. By these measures it appears the Fed is trying to get ready for the next recession which is historically overdue.
I quite agree that gold and silver will do very well over the next period once the mother of all debt bubbles is popped. Hopefully, some of the money pouring out of stocks and bonds will come into crypto.
Watch out for the combination of gold/silver and crypto in the form of new blockchain companies. Today I read about Kinesis which promises to take advantage of the collapse of the derivatives markets which suppress the price of gold/silver every day.
WARNING! The comment below by @miky leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.
In bitcoin we have the first blockchain project we huge positions and teams working on it and in Gold we have one of the most most used metals in the world if you think well both are great investment because yous have the most popular products in each market. Regards
Yes bro bitcoin is king he came back with new ath just wait and see
Personally I have my portfolio split about 60/40 in metals/crypto. Both asset classes attract a similar type of money, in that these are the only assets with no counterparty risk, portability, and a high level of privacy. I am very interested to see how crypto will respond to a deflation of the stock and bond guess is that it will initially decline in the rush to liquidity, but surge higher long before other markets (the behavior observed in metals and mining stocks in 2008). Regardless, I feel metals/cryptos are an ideal place to be in the present environment, where almost every other asset is inflated by cheap money.
And since most bullion dealers take Bitcoin at a discount, its convenient to balance between the two is 1 out performs the other.
Forget the stock market, the investors are buying gold with Bitcoin. But that's not the way to make it big I think.
This is a great topic for discussion and I think that it's a matter of serious concern. You presented the information nicely with the help of charts. Why are people struggling financially ?
I think it's the sick mentality of people that's not helping. I don't agree with selling Bitcoin for gold, that's not a good business. It's better to hold your Bitcoin for long term. What are your views regarding this?
bitcoin's traits have led to those backing the cryptocurrency to believe it could potentially unseat gold over the long haul..
But, gold has the indisputable track record, having been a cherished store of value for thousands of years across human civilizations.
Bitcoin is more easier divided than gold. With gold, you would need to carry various sizes
You are doing good work.. keep sharing useful info
nice post
Thats a well made post. Great explanation
bitcoin is more valuable then gold. because bitcoin is limited but the number of population increasing day by day. so i think in the digital world bitcoin is the most valuable currency.
Does it mean that the PETRO the cryptocurrency of the Dictator nicolas maduro will succeed ???? it supports Gold, Oil, Diamond and Coltan