I made a song with CoViD-19

in Threespeak - OLD4 years ago (edited)

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This song reveals the secrets hidden within the virus through the power of music.

Translation: Each chord is represented by a symbol which together spell out CoViD-19.

  • Co (The o is the symbol for a diminished chord)
  • VI (The 6th chord, typically written in roman numerals in music)
  • D-1 9 (A D chord with an added 9th (E). The 1 is just another D so... it works)

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thx 4 da upvote

Very clever!

I need your music smarts for building better chord progressions.

You gotta be in isolation a couple more months, you'll come up with all sorts in due time!

Crazy smart lol. Not really easy to start anything with a diminihed chord tbh. You made it work though. Gj

Diminished chords are great for creating resolutions into new harmonic directions, something I didn't do here given the restraints of the word, but don't diss the dim.!

I don't diss it. I love the sound of it but I always find it hard to start a piece with it. I am surprised you made it work out so well.

I know just messing. A great example of how flexible diminished chords are:

(Uploaded just for you)

I think the more you use them, the easier it'll get to put it in any old place =)

Some even say the diminished chord Doesn't even exist

I love this guy.. I am gonna give a try next time to play around with dim's I might post something but I am an amateur really comparable.

Tag me when you do!

sounds great like it's part of a English crime TV show

Not exactly what I was going for but I totally hear some Jonathan Creek there!

exactly :)

Cool idea! @mobbs

Congrats and keep writing!



How did you setup your channel to disable the download button?


Uhh, no idea. Maybe its just the default setting?