Terror at the thought of being a chipo / Terror al pensar que era un chipo



Saludos amigos por aquí les comparto este chinche que se encontraba entre mis planta quien debido a la lluvia salido de su escondite estuve buscando a ver si no era un chipo ya que son muy peligros para la salud ya que es portador de enfermedades como el mal de chaga y otros. y debemos tener sumo cuidado con las diferentes especies te este insecto ya que también pertenecen a la familia de los chinches y su parecido muy similar a diferencia que los chinches no son hematófagos o mejor dico no se alimentan de sangre.

Por suerte no era un chipo y pudo seguir disfrutando de su habita en mi jardin

Greetings friends here I share with you this bedbug that was among my plant who due to the rain out of his hiding place I was looking to see if it was not a chipo as they are very dangerous to health as it is a carrier of diseases such as chaga disease and others. and we must be very careful with the different species you this insect as they also belong to the family of bedbugs and their very similar unlike bedbugs are not hematophagous or better dico do not feed on blood.

Luckily he was not a chipo and could continue to enjoy his room in my garden.



