Current COVID19 Situation In Australia | 澳洲目前 COVID19 疫情的狀況

Hi Everyone,

Australia has done exceptionally well with containing COVID19 for the first 3 months but in the last week or so, things have been going downhill in particular in Victoria. The state have recorded the highest number of cases since COVID19 started in Australia and it’s going to rise by the looks of things. The premier have asked a lockdown in many affected areas for 6 weeks and the community in those towns are not taking this well considering the freedom has been taken back.

在這三個月期間,澳洲控制今次疫情都比較成功但最近這個星期,情形有點變。 維省開始有疫情個案而且每日都上升得非常快. 當地的負責人已經叫受影響的地區立刻關閉六星期而在這些地區住的市民造成很多困擾.

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The boarders between New South Wales and Victoria have closed but there are doubts if it was too late as many Melbourne residents either were planning to drive through the boarder or have passed it during the outbreak period. In NSW, there are fears the virus is coming back to haunt us and it has started today. There are 2 cases in Sydney south west and 1 in Sydney south cases confirmed. Many of us can forecast things will get worse the next 2 weeks as more cases will pop up.


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Supermarkets in Victoria have already placed restrictions on items and I am hoping that this one apply in NSW. There are already talks in my work chat group that people will start slowly stocking up on a few basic supplies in case things turn for the worse but won’t hoard like those on the news. These 2 weeks will be the most crucial for our country and as a parent, we are all praying that schools won’t be affected as many of us won’t be able to go through homeschooling again.

現時維省的超市買東西都有受限制而我希望我們紐省可以繼續正常運作. 在我同事之間一個群組裡大家都商討應不應該開始買一些日用品預防政府說大家要躲在家裡就沒有機會常常在外面買東西.這兩周是我們悉尼最關鍵的時間,希望疫情可以控制到. 做父母更希望小朋友可以繼續返學因為如果我們好像之前在家裡教他們讀書我今次應該不會應付得來.


animation by @catwomanteresa

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Yep, back to lock downs and home schooling for us here in Melb.

ohhhh even homeschooling?!?!??! I may have missed that on the news :(


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Aw, thats sad to hear :/

Yeah fingers crossed things don't blow up here. take care :)


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