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RE: Mushrooms to Lasagna via Roses

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Bureaucratic can ruin a day, but good you've dealt with it. I hope you've already had a few cups of coffee and a piece of chocolate to calm down, hehe.

Speaking of bureaucracy, tomorrow I will try to get Rodrigo to get the DNI, just yesterday the identification system started working again after more than a month of maintenance. Who doesn't live here can't believe it!

Tomorrow my comments in Spanish are going to rain on you jaja. You can't hide, because I will chase you commenting hahaha



oh hell I burst out reading this! Rainingcomments
Well good luck with the DNI for Rodrigo, I am not finished with bureaucracy though!

Am looking forward to tomorrow already :)

Jaja, ¡ya es Martes para ti, Super Ed!
¡Buenos días cuando veas esto y suerte con tus diligencias por la mañana!

jaja y ahora miercoles para mi Super Eli.
estoy tan atrasado!

Jaja aquí todavía es Martes 🤣🤣🤣 yo no he escrito un post para el ttt y no sé si lo haré

no hay publicación para mí hoy!

Para mi como que tampoco!