The Weight Of Dust

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago (edited)

My absence from my desk is now duly noted by the amount of dust that has accumulated. I'd share a picture, but it's embarrassing.
Not really... but I have other more interesting tid bits to share. Years ago, before Fimo Clay I fashioned faeries from modeling clay and dressed them in various elaborate ... nay, OVER THE TOP INTRICATE DESIGNER WINGS & GOWNS! They took weeks to complete, but they made me a fair living when my boys were little. Then, I had my own faery princess, and with three children, the days of faery creation became a thing of the past. Of course, I don't have any of the "paper photos" from the time of pre-digital pictures.
Then, about a year ago, I decided to start again. Slowly.
My eyesight isn't what it once was though. Those tiny features and complicated details weren't nearly as phenomenal. I became a bit disillusioned with my former fey addiction. I set it aside.

fey 1.jpg
Here's one I began, she sits next to me now in my corner, and inspires me. Someday, I'll finish her, but in the meantime, I began doing something else.

Faery Howses.

Take a minute to watch that ... you'll get the idea (it's literally a minute ...)

The Big Guy and I are getting ready for our first craft show in three years, a small one, but it's a beginning. We'll be showing off Alchemy Stones, I'll be sharing my Tarot Deck, and Faery Howses.
Honestly, I'm shaking a bit in my boots. My pride (and, yes, that thing called "ego") are on the line here. Me and my inner creative spirit will manage just fine, I think. It's the going from selling the former fabulous faeries (they started at $300 in the '90s, and I couldn't make them fast enough) to these magical little houses that, well, honestly, you can find on Etsy and elsewhere.

But these are mine.

fey howse collage.jpg

And I've fallen in love with them.
And isn't that what art is supposed to do? Give you that feeling of LOVE and JOY and HOPE?
And isn't that what art is supposed to do on the flip side? Give you those alternate feelings of "what the hell am I doing anyway? [shrugs] I'm gonna do it no matter what!"
Welcome to my whirled.

From running out of clay and learning how to make my own from paper, flour and water (because living in a rural place has its own dilemmas too) to walking along the beach and finding the perfect fit of stones, moss and sticks (because living in a rural place has perks).

It's an ongoing process, this world of creation. I'm blessed to have The Big Guy on my side and cheering me along. He's patient, and enthusiastic each time I present him with some silly but marvelous new idea. I have a vision of going to art shows around the country in our R.V. and sharing the fun of fey.
And stones.
And magical things.
Tell me about your journey of crafty goodness, or point me to your shop/blog and show me what brings you happiness!

Thank you, so much, for reading and I always welcome your comments!
Take a look at @Labyrinths when you have a moment, and join our labyrinth community on HIVE if you're interested. We just started it, so there's not much going on yet, but if you're ever in the need for a "down to earth" (but not too earthy) psychic, you can find me online at Brigid's Aether.

Any images and graphics (unless noted) are mine.

silver hive logo.png



Once you get back in the swing of things then I am sure they will become as intricate as they were in the 90s when you made them before!