Luke 6:32, For if you love them which love you, what thank have you? For sinners also love those that love them.
The way of the Christian is and ought to be more than ordinary, for it is this extra that set us apart from the rest of the world, our ability to forgive those trespass against us and even pray for their well being, our been able to love more and give even when we do not have enough to go round, sharing the very little we have and helping the oppressed, loving those who hate us and bringing others to the light.
Are you doing more in your community? Can your actions set you apart from all others? Are you doing more? It is written that even when one gets slapped in one face we are to turn the other cheeck, this goes to confirm and further reiterates the importance and the need for the Christian to do more and not be ordinary.
May the Good Lord help us for without his grace and love we will not be able to achieve the task ahead for the harvest is ready but the workers are few. Stay safe and stay blessed and do not forget to do more.