Happy Family of God

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Hello beautiful people. Hope we all are doing great. There's this common song which says;

With Jesus in the family
Happy Happy home
Happy Happy home
Happy Happy Home
With Jesus in the family
Happy Happy home
Happy Happy home


This is not just a song or a mere saying but a fact from the throne of grace. Any family where Jesus is present will always have joy, great joy at that. But any family where Jesus is not reigning will always be full of crises and war.

Do you want peace in your home? Are you tired of everyday quarrel? Do you want to keep being happy al all day and everyday of your life? The you need Jesus. He is the prince of peace. He says you should call unto him if you labour and hae heavy laden and He is available to give you rest.

Whatever the case may be, even if anyone in your home is stubborn, maybe your child, your wife, your husband or anyone, just call Jesus into your home and into to life of such person. He is readily available to make all storms to be calm. Call on Him today.

I remain @oredebby