Mask Madness Marches On: ‘No Exception’ Corporate Policies & the Disturbing Direction Society is Heading - Personal Experiences


In this video I share some of my recent personal experiences with mask mandates, stringently enforced ‘no exception’ corporate policies, the hypocrisy & insanity of it all, and what it means for our future if we don’t resist now, stand up together and unite against this tyranny in our land. From the perspective of one actively resisting societal masking by refusing to mask up no matter the pressure...

And, I decided to go ahead and put these experiences and my related thoughts in writing as well, for those who would rather read a quick post than listen to me go on a half hour rant about how these ever more tyrannical developments on the universal masking front are leading us nowhere good, really fast, but I’m sure there’s details in the video I’ll miss here, so pick your poison and make use of the information how you best see fit, and as for me I’ll continue resisting this insanity til’ the day it’s gone, and post firsthand updates whenever situations worth mentioning arise.

The totalitarian tiptoe keeps inching forward, as the noose around humanity’s neck continues to be steadily tightened, and we continue to be driven closer and closer to the edge of the cliff, many still oblivious to their imminent fall into total enslavement.

I’ve had some illuminating personal experiences as one of the few who continues to resist the increasing societal and governmental pressure from all directions to just wear a mask. And it isn’t going to happen, not for myself and many others as well; the more pressure that is applied, the more firm the conviction to refuse to do so under any circumstance becomes. With each passing day of ever-changing reasoning used to push permanent universal masking, with every round of media propaganda and each new guideline and mandate being implemented, it is becoming increasingly ever more clear that the mask agenda has absolutely nothing to do with public health and safety, and everything to do with total control, about blind obedience to ‘authorities’, about pandemic profiteering, and about conditioning the people to accept the coming stages in the march to total tyranny, and by the looks of it, isn’t going to be pretty.

My experiences relayed herein proves this beyond any shadow of a doubt, as if more proof that this wasn’t about our health or safety was even needed at this point. But here it is no less, a testament to the insanity that has taken hold of our society, and the direction things are quickly going if mass resistance doesn’t first ensue.

The growing trend I have noticed of late, at least here in Arizona where I am currently staying, is that of corporate chains implementing ‘no exception’ mask requirements for all customers and employees.

Many chains have for months now loosely enforced policies, but generally even when such corporate policies and/or local government mandates are most strictly enforced, there are legitimate exceptions made for young children and those with valid health issues. I have found that in almost all cases these policies are loosely enforced, that being hassled for refusing to wear a mask is rare, and that even when employees do ask you to put a mask on they most often don’t force you out if you simply decline to cooperate. Simply stating that one has a health condition that makes them exempt is usually sufficient to allow entry in places where ‘mask police’ - hired hands with the sole job of enforcing corporate mask policy - are waiting at the door to refuse entry to those few unwilling or unable to cover their face just to be able to buy groceries or other basic necessities.

Obviously certain places have stricter enforcement, like many cities in California for example, but even then one can get away without a mask in more cases than not, if they are simply willing to stand their ground and remain kind during any interaction with any ‘authorities’, employees or rude customers hassling them. However even in places where resistance to mask mandates is most widespread, like Arizona for example, this is beginning to change, and this change is taking place at the corporate level, as opposed to the state and local levels.

The absolute strictest enforcement of a ‘no exception’ policy I encountered was at Goodwill, one in Green Valley and one in Sierra Vista. Green Valley is in Pima County that has a widely enforced mandate, and the city of Sierra Vista has a more loosely enforced mandate. I know the Pima County mandate specifically exempts those with certain health issue, and specifically states that no proof of the health issue must be produced, as I read it in its entirety myself. Stores are not required to ban customers who are exempt from entry, and yet that is exactly what Goodwill does. Meanwhile in Sierra Vista there are a host of chains with corporate mask policies, such as Walmart, that make quite clear on their signage that they allow exemptions for those with certain health exemptions and young children, and yet other chains like Goodwill make no such distinctions.

My experience at both Goodwills was pretty similar - and I was at both locations told in no uncertain terms that it was corporate policy and not the local mandates guiding their enforcement, and that this corporate policy was a no exceptions policy, even those explicitly exempt under ‘law’ were not allowed to enter the store under any circumstances. My experience at the Sierra Vista location was particularly eye-opening, and went like this:

“You must wear a mask, corporate policy, no exceptions, we do not have a mask to give you either but you can purchase one if you would like to shop in our store and I can go get a manager if you would like to speak to her about it.”

Yes, please, of course, this is insane, at least in other stores that require masks, they have the common decency to no require you to purchase it too, right! So in comes the manager...

“You must wear a mask, corporate policy, no exceptions, we are not requiring that you make a purchase to patronize our establishment as you can go ahead and buy one next door, but I can tell you theirs are more expensive, but again, we’re not requiring that you make a purchase to enter the store but only that must wear a mask over both your nose and mouth, no exceptions or we not allow entry and will ask you to leave, and no you may not cover your face with your shirt or any other piece of clothing either - only a piece of cloth cut and shaped and marketed specifically to be sold as a ‘Covid19 mask’ will do, even though its the exact same cotton material, but again, we’re not requiring that you make a purchase to shop here, only that you wear an actual and not a makeshift one.”

It was at the point that they insisted that they were not requiring me to make a purchase that I couldn’t help pointing out that masks actually don’t just grown on trees, by the way, as they must be purchased by someone, and therefore it seemed they were discriminating against me as one being short on extra cash to spend on masks that I won’t be wearing anywhere else, and that whether I bought it there or next door they were still requiring me to make an unwanted purchase with money out of my own pocket simply to shop at their store. The irony is Goodwill is a thrift store who’s customer base is poor and financially struggling families! Obviously not filled with much goodwill, and the owner sure has gotten rich off the enterprise for it being a ‘nonprofit’, but back to mask issue...

I continued to kindly press the issue, and was informed that health exceptions were not made, the corporate policy was a ‘no exceptions’ corporate policy, and if I still had any questions I could call the complaint line, which conveniently left me only the option to leave a complaint rather than actually talk to a human who might be able to give me any reason other than the blanket ‘corporate policy’ reason as to why they were discriminating agains the poor, and those with health issues, and young children, the latter two groups of people who are both of which specifically told by the CDC themselves NOT TO WEAR MASKS!!!

Now I’m not entirely sure if this policy only applies to southwest US Goodwills or the entire country, as I was never kicked out for shopping without a mask at Goodwill in Montana, but that was also over the summer and I know some of these stricter policies are quite recent.

I do know I had a similar experience in a couple of California Starbucks, and no I don’t buy their coffee, but was picking up spent coffee grounds to be used for composting. Starbucks definitely had one of the most stringently enforced mask policies that I witnessed in California, but even they had the decency to provide free masks for their customers, however they would not allow me to cover my face with my shirt. And for all I know the provision of masks may be required by law, as this is the case under some of the mandates. But again, only approved pieces of cloth being sold by pandemic profiteers are allowed, no makeshift pieces of clothing or bandanas...

My third experience was at a local Ace Hardware store back here in Sierra Vista, Arizona, which apparently just very recently implemented its own ‘no exception’ mask policy at the corporate level, again not taking into account different locales with different rules, some of which still don’t mandate masks. But this was even funnier. The staff was much more friendly than at the Goodwills, but they were still quite firm in their insistence that nobody without a mask was allowed to shop in their store, no exception whatsoever, although they were decent enough to offer curbside pickup for ‘those unable to wear a mask’, and a nice lady was kind enough to go pick up my wanted items for me when I made clear I had no intention of putting a mask on just to grab a couple of propane canisters for my camp stove.

The funny thing about it was that she specifically instructed me to wait inside the store in the entryway as she confirmed she had them in stock, then ran and grabbed them, and then finally processed my payment, all while I stood in the entryway, only a few yards from the checkout counter at which a mask was required, in the busiest part of the store as numerous customers walked in and out right by me and my apparently ‘unsafe’, unmasked breath. I just laughed inside myself the whole time at the absolute absurdity of the policy allegedly being enforced on behalf of ‘customer health and safety’, as numerous customers walked right by me.

I appreciated the friendliness of the staff compared to Goodwill and Starbucks, but we are dealing with the same style corporate policies that are not even based upon the health ‘authorities’ (CDC’s) own guidelines, nor the explicit exemptions laid out in local governmental mandates. Meanwhile the Sierra Vista city mandate allows for plastic face shields, which are explicitly not recommended by the CDC due to their uselessness in providing the much needed ‘protection’ other masks are said to provide. The ‘no exception’ corporate policies that are on the rise, however, do not, neither enforcing their policies in response to the ‘law’ but rather an even higher power - a corporate board - and doing so in blatant disregard for the very CDC medical guidelines that are responsible for this mad push for universal masking to begin with!

What a convoluted mess of mandates, polices, exceptions and a total disregard for basic human rights and reliance on any semblance of actual science. But this is the quickly growing trend, the Covid1984 policy increasingly being enforced not by ‘law’ and law enforcement but by blanket ‘no exception’ corporate policy, enforced by order-followers whose only response to a host of relevant and reasonable questions and concerns being ‘corporate policy, no exceptions’.

It just mirrors the rise of cancel culture, really, with social media giants never needing to give users an actual reason for their being censored and canceled, simply stating broadly that they were ‘in violation’ of some broad and vague guideline that likely doesn’t even apply to them, but since they don’t have to tell you why, you’ll never actually know why. Or not even notifying you of your cancelation from the platform at all in some cases. You’re canceled because we said so, you can’t enter our store because we said so, end of story, and if you don’t like it, sorry, there’s no one to take it up with.

Takeaway from all these experiences from the perspective of those buying into the pandemic narrative is this: Approved pieces of cloth, those marketed as masks and sold by giant corporations, often made in China, will ‘protect’ the public from ‘Covid19’, but pieces of cloth we already all have access to such as t-shirts and bandanas that are literally made of the same materials but not by these same pandemic profiteers and marketed specifically as ‘Covid19 masks’ cannot ‘protect’ the public. Also, such policies do not discriminate against those on tight budgets, despite putting the burden of cost of the mask onto the customer with a tight budget.

And, the CDC’s own guidelines along with local mandates should be ignored and superseded by corporations who apparently know better when it comes to who should and should not be wearing a mask - and they say there are no legitimate medical exemptions, and we must all comply for the health and safety of all, even those for whom wearing a mask poses a serious health concern. But it’s for your safety, because corporations now know better about your health than you, your doctor and the CDC itself. But if you or I claim to know better than the very same CDC or politicians enacting mandates when it comes to refusing to wear a mask based upon legitimate health and safety concerns, then we are labeled crazy conspiracy theorists threatening public health and safety, and should be denied access to basic necessities like food and affordable clothing during times of the greatest economic hardship this country has probably ever seen. Makes so much sense...

To top it off, ‘Covid19’ apparently only spreads in buildings while unmasked customers are actually engaged in shopping while generally keeping distance from others, but not in busy, congested entryways a few yards from the checkout counters, where unmasked customers are waiting for other masked employees to do their shopping for them. But I suppose this shouldn’t be surprising, because until now we‘ve had to believe that ‘Covid19’ only spreads in small businesses but not the large corporate chains, only by us peasants and not by ‘them’ who are making the rules, and on and on the list of magical attributes of this magical ‘virus’ goes.

The real takeaway that should now be self evident to all but the most brain dead zombies of all is that the push for universal masking has nothing to do with your health and safety. If it did, both governments and corporations alike would’t be ignoring the CDC health guidelines in all sorts of different ways, including almost nobody at all requiring double masking despite that now being the official CDC recommendation for maximum ‘protection’ and ‘safety’...

The ‘no exception’ corporate policies increasingly driving this agenda do not respect your basic human rights, and worse yet they discriminate against both the poor and those with underlying health conditions which legitimately hinder them from being able to wear a mask, along with young children upon whom forcing a mask is in my opinion nothing short of child abuse. These corporate policies are acting outside of both the parameters of the arguably unconstitutional government mask mandates and the national medical guidelines created by the same agencies which are largely responsible for this push for universal societal masking which is driving these same corporate policies in the first place. And that is absolute insanity, and yet this sad state of affairs is only becoming increasingly insane.

Why have corporations like Ace Hardware waited all the way until now to implement such ‘no exception’ chain-wide policies, almost 11 months since ‘pandemic’ deaths peaked and then subsided last April? Why did most of the government-imposed mandated fail to take effect until 1-2 months after the ‘pandemic’ subsided in early May? Why is the push for universal masking only continuing to be ramped up as time passes and the ‘pandemic’ continues to dissipate, even according to their own overinflated official numbers?

There can be only one answer, and that is that this has nothing to do with our health and safety, nothing to do with stopping a pandemic, and everything to do with pushing an agenda. It has everything to do with tightening the noose of tyranny around the neck of humanity, and the grip is slowly getting tighter every day.

There is only one direction such policies are taking us, and that is in the direction of total slavery under the rising totalitarian technocracy.

The writing is on the wall, and time is running out. Soon the noose will have becomes too tight for most to escape it. Mandatory vaccination is next, and in fact has already arrived. The same corporations requiring masks for employees have begun requiring vaccination as a condition of employment. And you can bet your bottom dollar the first corporate chains to jump to refuse service to those without an immunity passport showing proof of vaccination, are the same corporations now enforcing ‘no exception’ mask policies. It will go the same for vaccines, and there will come a time when it won’t matter if you have a legitimate exemption or not; those who don’t honor mask exemptions won’t take issue with refusing to honor vaccine exemptions. Then it will be poor social credit scores, and before you know it we will be living in a society where those who refuse to believe what the media tells them they believe will be refused access to society, forced to live in communities outside the total control grid, to be thrown into re-education camps, or to starve to death simply for refusing to wear an approved piece of cloth over their face, to inject an extremely dangerous experimental chemical concoction into their body, or to line up for their digital passport that will be needed to access fundamental societal institutions.

The day is fast approaching when there will be only two options left, to bow down in worship to the beast and render the system our total allegiance or live eternally as outcasts and outlaws, outside society, facing imprisonment or even death if we dare set foot inside this Hunger Games society again. As far as I’m concerned, living outside such a sick society in our own communities sounds like a good plan anyway, and probably the only real solution to the emerging global control grid currently being built.

We must peacefully resist now while we still can, or we will inevitably pay dearly. Obedient order-followers have always been the means by which the greatest tyrants throughout history have committed the most atrocious crimes against humanity. If we believe that such hatred, such crimes, such disrespect for human life that led to the atrocities carried out in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and upon millions of those living under the tyrannical yoke of the kings of the old British Empire could never happen here, one need only open their eyes and look around to see that it is already happening. The hatred, discrimination, censorship, dehumanization, and incessant propaganda is all already here, with power-hungry psychopaths who have no respect for human life already in power, millions of brainwashed obedient order-followers standing ready to dutifully carry out their commands. These order-followers are in fact already doing so, even when obeying orders runs contrary to all sense of logic, science, and respect for fellow humans.

Thankfully there is still much mass resistance, and still plenty of freedom to operate with out a mask for those who dare to do so, but still the noose tightens, as they slowly make it increasingly difficult to do so. Many local businesses refuse to enforce such tyranny, but these same businesses are being forced out of business, one by one, or at least the attempts to do so have generally remained since the lockdowns. Many corporate chains don’t yet have ‘no exception’ mask policies in place, but more and more are joining the list as time goes by. Most police forces refuse to enforce local mandates, but that can change at the whim of a single police chief.

Small local businesses who resist the madness, pawn shops in particular give me hope - with one pawn shop here in Sierra Vista even willing to go so far as to flout the city’s mandate by refusing to even put a mask notice on their door, while another had this wonderful ‘mask policy’ that would drive the controllers, their Mockingbird Media establishment and all those under their spell of fear absolutely crazy!


There is hope for those who value freedom, but for how long? Even in states like Arizona known for having widespread strong opposition to mask mandates, I still see only about 10% or so of the population around here actively resisting. When I was in Montana, also known for its resistance - so much so that on the state capitol lawmakers are not required to wear masks - there still only seemed to be about 25% of the population without masks, and waves of intense media propaganda would always be followed by more compliance once again.

The people’s spirits are being beaten down as societal pressure to obey the machine increases. Insanity and division reigns supreme while the media propaganda intensifies even as the synthetic ‘pandemic’ fizzles out, no longer able to be propped up even by the very ones who manufactured it in the first place.

And still the walls of oppression continue to close in on us, the noose continues to tighten around humanity’s neck, and most are too busy blaming and hating each other for their daily struggle to survive that they don’t feel the life being squeezed out of them, little by little, day by day, til’ one day they’ll wake up and realize they are totally enslaved, living in an all-out hunger games society, with the children of those who dared resist being offered up as tributes to the rulers on high to remind the masses what happens to those who dare resist their edicts. And when that day arrives it will be too late for resistance to do them any good, too late to slip out of that ever-tightening noose around their neck, and then it won’t matter if it’s a blue rope or a red rope, a realization that won’t do any good if it isn’t realized today.

If we don’t stand together now, we will hang together then, and that day looks to be imminently upon us. The choice is ever before us, and I hope for humanity’s sake enough of us choose freedom.

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It's not about the masks, and it's not about the vaccines. It's not even about the immunity passports! It's about obedience.