Street Food Jhalmuri || Saturday Special

Hello Friends,

The temperature in our city has suddenly become controlled. In fact, for the past three days, our seaports have been experiencing low pressure, which has caused temperatures to drop and the environment to cool down. Although it has been raining all day today.

And in the meantime I was on the trip all day today, on the launch all day, though a little scared. Because traveling in the river in adverse weather is a bit dangerous. In our country, launches sink in rivers. However, I have taken a risk today due to urgent need.


Anyway, I was on launch almost all day. Due to the cloudy weather, there were not many food stalls inside the launch. In fact, the launches in our country have floating temporary food shops. Where there are many expensive food items starting from cheap food. This is enjoyed by all classes of passengers in our country.



I also enjoyed one of our native and popular item jhalmuri today. Although on rainy days we prefer to eat muri. All of us are a little more attracted to jhalamuri, especially the combination of various items. I still remember enjoying this jhalmuri the most in school life.



Onion, Green chilli, coriander, lemon, gram, salt, mustard oil and turmeric are commonly used in making jhalmuri. Jhalamuri is made from the right combination of all the ingredients. Whose taste is truly incomparable! And the price is not too high. So everyone in our society likes this local food.



Declaration: This is original content of mine with own photography.

Thanks all for visiting my page.



আমি মোঃ হাফিজ উল্লাহ, চাকুরীজীবী। বাংলাদেশী হিসেবে পরিচয় দিতে গর্ববোধ করি। বাঙালী সংস্কৃতি ও ঐতিহ্য লালন করি। ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে সমর্থন করি, তবে সর্বদা নিজেকে ব্যতিক্রমধর্মী হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করতে পছন্দ করি। পড়তে, শুনতে এবং লিখতে ভালোবাসি। নিজের মত প্রকাশের এবং অন্যের মতামতকে মূল্যায়নের চেষ্টা করি। ব্যক্তি হিসেবে অলস এবং ভ্রমন প্রিয়।




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That food looks good! Making me hungry... :)

Its also very delicious :P
