Lets all Be Kind to each other and change the world one smile at a time. 🌍 😁

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE β€’ 3 years ago

Yesterday I read a post by @jaynie about peoples attitude towards others.


There is so much hate out there, so many people being trolled with nasty messages saying really hurtful things, so bad that it is ruining peoples lives. Its happening to much, to many people are suffering. I will never understand people hurting each other for no reason, what do they get out of it, why hurt someone you don't know because they have a different opinion to you, think differently, live differently,

I have depression (I have mentioned it a few times) I have been put down, called names, abused, I know what it feels like to get so low you wanted to die and I have tried, I am getting stronger and thankfully that all stopped a long time ago and I am dealing with my depression. To be targeted by someone I don't know to send me nasty hurtful messages that would eventually bring me down is appalling and disrespectful. What is wrong with people.

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It is much easier to be nice to everyone, leaving positive messages, building someone up, encouraging each other and leaving them with a smile. There is to much energy wasted hurting people. Do you really want to be remembered for being cruel, nasty or a troll. Just because the abuse is over doesn't mean I am over it, trolling someone, bringing someone down can last for a very long time.

Sticks and Stones
Will break my
But names will
never hurt me.

I remember saying this poem when I was Younger, how wrong it is, names are burnt into your brain and stay there for a very long time. Think before you open your mouth or laptop.

We can start the Be Kind with Hive, be the one to be positive or as the saying goes IF YOU NOTHING GOOD TO SAY SAY NOTHING AT ALL. Hive is the perfect place to BE KIND leaving positive messages building peoples confidence. Lets start changing the world.


My day has been a quiet one stuck in the house still in lockdown and waiting for Boris to tighten them up. I have had enough of the Virus. I can't wait until this is over when we can get out and meet people without the risk of catching this Virus. The world has gone mad, lockdown, isolation, so many souls lost, its scary and even scarier watching others go out and meet others, have guests and live normally whilst we do our best to keep everyone safe. The weather isn't helpful either, so much rain and 30 miles away from me is loads of snow, hubby travels there to work and is sent home each day as its to cold. I have everything crossed that the snow stays there and doesn't come here. I hate snow.

I haven't done anything today there really isn't anything I can do but rest and relax. Its time for a nice shower and bed, doing nothing is very tiring.

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Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Thank you for resonating the positive message πŸ’—

You are very welcome ❣

Hi Karen, hate the quarantine aswell but we just got the extension so we just have to stick with it .

~ Think before you open your mouth or laptop.
We can start the Be Kind with Hive, be the one to be positive or as the saying goes IF YOU NOTHING GOOD TO SAY SAY NOTHING AT ALL. Hive is the perfect place to BE KIND leaving positive messages building peoples confidence. Lets start changing the world.~

So true nd I hope people will read your blog and agree to start the change
But be different clear and kind

I hope so to πŸ’•