Cómo Elaborar con Material de Reciclaje Dispensador de Caramelos Tipo Calabaza .Tutorial// How to Make with Recycling Material Pumpkin Candy Dispenser. Tutorial

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Saludos apreciados lectores les traigo como hacer un dispensador modelo calabaza motivado al día de Halloween. espero sea de su agrado.

Greetings, dear readers, I bring you how to make a pumpkin dispenser model motivated to Halloween.I hope you like it.

Las fotografías fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi celular Samsung S8
The photographs were taken with the camera of my cell phone Samsung S8

Gracias por visitar mi blog

Thank you for visiting my blog


Using recycled materials for short festive period is a wonderful idea, enjoy your Halloween, not something we celebrate @wrsd54


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We don't celebrate halloween here, great world. Enjoy your celebration