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RE: How Long Should The Curation Window On Hive Be?

in dPoll3 years ago

Personally from the war on big bodies and the current behavior it seems that all auto voting is frowned upon even though the system is set up for the groups and communities.

The groups in communities are the most rewarded because they have the auto vote set up.

It seems again this is a coordinated effort at control.

Personally I didn't see a problem with the bitbots however there was abuse issues that were being addressed with them that never got fully resolved and the system isn't the best however it works and we are trying to make this entire world last.

It sure would be a shame that this idea of war against our own people would continue and result in more people leaving our ecosystem.

Personally I see a lot of changes that could be made to our system.

But I'm just a small little user fighting to swim and survive


Bidbots and paid votes nearly siphoned 100% of the reward pool out and into the wallets of only those selling votes. Shit content was placed in higher slots, scaring consumers away, while everyone else making actual money was being paid to look away/paid to not even be here. That's how you destroy an attention economy.