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RE: How Long Should The Curation Window On Hive Be?

in dPoll3 years ago

So late voters, by today's standards, wouldn't really be voting late anymore, they would be on time. We'd see less votes after say 12, or 24 hours, depending on the window, but those kind of late votes are rare now anyway and always have been. Then if something is so hot and awesome that people want to vote after a day, many more consumers would benefit off the creators pure awesomeness.

This window has to mix well with how trending works. That added visibility would finally amount to more support, rather than posts shooting straight up instantly then fizzling out. Makes sense.


I think so, but can't know til it is tried.

Trial and error is getting old.

The problem is that there is no fail fast and adjust - it takes years of drudgery first.

Don't worry. I get it. Pile up enough shit and you'll eventually be able to escape through the window.