Medicine For Free!

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Most of us have grown up in a world where, we are told that everything comes with a price! There are of course consequences to everything that we do, but for now I am writing more about currency. How we have become so comfortable with paying to maintain our health (even though most times, what we are actually paying for, is making our health worst, but then again that is the business side of most of our health services.).


So many blindly putting their faith into the health service and pharmaceutical companies. The reality is, they need us to be unwell, so that they can be successful, because if everyone was healthy, then we would no longer need them.

I have written many times in the past, about how birth is one of the biggest businesses in the health industry. How Obstetricians are the highest paid health professionals in the world and how almost every pregnant women who is admitted into hospital, is placed on drip, which contains Synthetic Oxytocin. Which is used to speed up or induce labor.

This drug completely blocks the natural production of Oxytocin and results in babies experiencing an increase in their heart rate, which then, so often results in a cesarean section.

Ah the business of being born, as so that they can get women, in and out of hospitals as quickly as possible, to make room for more business, I mean women.

But I got a little carried away there, although it is highly relevant. Because it leads me nicely onto the most important point. Natural medicine!

Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, as long as we, provide them with all that they need. The most important thing is to be fully aware of what you put into your body, and to notice the way in which these things affect your body!

Everyone is able to do this, yet so many people do not, instead they choose to hand that responsibility over to someone else, so that when they do feel uncomfortable or unwell they just go to them to sort it all out.

But so much, can be restored by knowing yourself! By eating foods that nourish our body, instead of feeding a craving! By growing your own food, you go one step further, as you become more connected by what you eat.

One of the most beautiful things you can do, is to place any seed you wish to sow into your mouth and let your body communicate with it!

Taking the time to walk bare foot on the ground, has so many benefits. Yet many people have a fear of dirt and refuse to even consider that this simple and free activity is extremely good for you. It helps to reduce stress, reduce inflammation, improves your posture and balance.

It is the easiest way in which to ground yourself and discharge any negative energies out of your body. I walk barefoot daily and really notice the difference in myself if I have to wear shoes.


Real medicine, needs to get to the root of any dis ease or illness and that usually leads us to our emotional self. Everything is connected and when one part of yourself is out of balance, it effects the whole.

When we let stress build up, when we hold onto different emotions, it creates stagnation in our bodies and when we do not deal with it, then it manifests in physical ways and vice versa.

So the way in which we think, the way in which we live all have a huge influence on our lives. We choose everyday how we react to different situations and those choices either allow us to live in love or fear, in gratitude or condemnation. All of which have a huge affect in our well being.

Each one of us, has the power to change the way in which we think. The way in which we react.

Another way in which to promote our well being, is having the ability to put boundaries in place. But first of all, we really need to understand what our limits are and find the strength to say no! Some people find this a lot easier than others. This is something that I need to work on myself, but what are we, if not a work in progress.

One of the most empowering things that I have done for myself, is to familiarize myself with all of the amazing wild medicinal plants that grow around me.

Oh, how I love to exclaim, how 'nature provides us with everything that we need'.

And indeed she does. We are so blessed to have an abundance of medicine growing around us, but we first have to learn what plants to use and how to use them safely. I have taught myself all of this and I now treat my girls and myself with plant medicine.

Knowledge is power and when we understand that real healing begins when we take responsibility for our own well being, we open up the gates to self empowerment. So much of the medicine that our body needs is free, we just need to detach ourselves from the medical system ( unless it is really necessary) and connect with our inner knowing, connect with nature! Let abundance flow into our lives!







Birth is definitely one of the biggest businesses. They manipulate already vulnerable women. Pretty much like what is going on now. Create fear and then manipulate

 3 years ago  

Yes they have been doing this for a very long time. Good to connect with you again @buckaroobaby xxxxx

This drug completely blocks the natural production of Oxytocin and results in babies experiencing an increase in their heart rate, which then, so often results in a cesarean section

I won't totally agree with this. Reason being that there are indications for having a caesarean section

This is a beautiful post.

The problem is a lot of people don't have the discipline to use these free medicines.

People take soda even when its bad for them.

People eat junks as opposed to eating healthy.

Agroedicine is one field I think I wait to explore as news getting to me says a cure for cancer can be seen in Agro medicine.

 3 years ago  

Yes for sure, one of the reasons is distress in the baby and that is an increase in their heartbeat.
Thank you @bhoa, yes too many people are afraid to try natural medicine, hopefully this will change soon xxx

Very nice post.
And it's a reality, baby birth has become one of the biggest business these days. Just to make more and more money many doctors and hospitals are doing so., I have personally experienced this at the time of my sis in law's delivery.

Connecting to our roots is very important for our physical as well as mental health.
May all be blessed!
Thank you!

 3 years ago  

Yes stay connected to our roots, that is so important.
you only have to look at way in which birth is treated to really see how our world is. But things are changing finally xxx