Healthy Chocolatey Raw Energy Bombs!

When we were about to embark on our adventure from Ireland to Mexico, my eldest daughter mentioned that we should start eating more healthily once we got here.
I agreed and said I was ready to become full on raw plant based. If it were up to me, I'd eat just fruit all day long, with a handful of nuts maybe, but my kids aren't quite there yet. Once we came here, we didn't exactly follow through.
So now that we've moved to an amazing house, with a great kitchen to work in, while also on a (very) low budget (at the moment) it's much easier to keep to what I had planned all along.

The one thing that's amazing for energy, whether it's in the morning, for a snack in the afternoon, or after a workout, it's chocolate. Now, I am not talking about your average sugary chocolate bar like Twix, or a Mars bar. No, I am talking raw, dark chocolatey goodness that we can find here just about anywhere.

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The chocolate I use comes from a local artisan who gets the cacao beans from local farmers and then turns the beans into this amazing chocolate paste. It is 100% cacao, no additives, sugars, or fats added. I've melted it in the morning in a little bit of water, and added some oat milk or something to it, with honey, and I'm telling you: it's better than coffee! It is very hard to melt, which tells you it's as pure as it comes.

This is what the pieces look like:


And as you can see, it's 100% Cacao!


The cacao is for sale (wholesale), by the way, so if you're interested please let me know.
It's really the best of the best.

But let's get to the recipe!

The Ingredients

About 330 grams of raw cacao pieces, or you could substitute with any cacao powder or chocolate. But of course, this type is best.

Coconut shavings (100 grams)

250 ml of coconut oil

200 grams of Granola, oats, or whatever you feel like using.
I've used an unsweetened, lightly toasted oat, amaranth granola with almonds.
But anything you have already in the kitchen will be lovely.

100-150 ml. agave nectar or honey to sweeten.


Because it's raw, I don't melt the cacao. I cut it into small pieces, and then transfer the cacao to a blender. Unfortunately, I don't have a good food processor just yet but those who have one, please use that as it makes life 100 times easier.

Once the cacao has been turned into nice smaller pieces, I add the coconut oil, and the agave syrup. I mix this again, to get a thick paste.

In a glass oven dish, I now pour the granola, and the cacao/coconut oil mixture on top. You can either spread it out on top of the granola, or what I like to do: mix it all together. If you like, you can also add some coconut shavings.

I spread it out in the dish evenly, add coconut shavings on top, and put all of it in the freezer.
If you live in an average climate, it's OK to save the dish in a kitchen cabinet but here, I just leave it in the freezer.

When I need it, I just cut some pieces with a sharp knife, or a spoon.
It's very hard but will break and will give nice even pieces.

I use this chocolatey goodness in breakfast smoothies with banana, some oats, sunflower seeds, and almond or oat milk, or just water.

When the kids want a little healthy snack, I just give them a piece of this.

It's amazing!

And here is the result:

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This is the end result without coconut shavings.

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And with coconut

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Raw, healthy, and simply AMAZING!

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wow!!! You are making me hungry @misslasvegas


Definitely need to try these with @thatscooterguy.

I know you'll love them. They're amazing :) And (almost) guilt free!

It's monday morning, I had no breakfast yet and you made me think of chocolate...(goes in the corner to cry :)) )

Voted on ListNerds!

Hahaha. Sorry I made you cry.
But make these, and it will be waiting for you in the morning.
Better than coffee :)
Thanks for stopping by!

That looks yummy! It is great that you know a supplier for such a pure cacao.

It is absolutely divine!
And yes, it's pretty great to have a supplier like that.
He works really hard to make the perfect product.
That's hard to find. :)

That is cool, there aren't many suppliers who are keen on providing healthy alternatives and would go the extra mile like that. You're fortunate to have found him :)

Looks great - making your own chocolate treat is the best.hmmm now you have me craving somehting chocolatey.

Yum... chocolate.

looks very tasty! will it make me fat though?

This post will be highlighted in my weekly This Week on ListNerds Curated Collection posting.

Oh! I completely missed this comment! Good thing I always go through them again just to be sure haha.
Thank you for the highlight :)
And will it make you fat? Not as much as the crappy kind.
I don't use sugar, but of course, agave syrup or honey is also sugary, but just not bad for you like refined sugar.
And coconut oil is a good kind of fat, and can be used a bit less if you'd like.
Plus the cacao gives you energy, so you will have the chance to burn it all again. :)
Just don't devour the whole pan at once hehe.

Thats good to know, im trying to lose some puppy fat and giving up on chocolate is not so easy!

Wow! These sound amazing and healthy. Thanks for sharing @misslasvegas

Sounds yummy and its raw.
Thanks for sharing.
I bet you can make some awesome fudge out of this cocoa

OMG this is the post of my dreams, that you can source locally grown cacao AHHHH!

Sorry, I get a little excited about chocolate, real, silky, non sugary, silky chocolate, and then there was COCONUT too! That looks so dang amazing!!

Yeah, I could literally bathe in chocolate and coconut hahaha.
I wonder if that's a thing. And otherwise we need to make it one.
The slogan can be:
"Bathe all your worries away in chocolate and coconut baths, and eat it too!"
I wonder how many of the Tuluminati would pay big money for that hahahaha.