Russian war against self-criticism. Political snitching political prisoners.

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Well it looks like the idea of that Russia wants to go back to the USSR and old Soviet times with the secret police as well as extra judicial executions and imprisoning political opponents in gulags.

It's pretty crazy.

Apparently even children are not allowed to speak out against the special military operation.

And of course it looks like Russia is way harder on people who simply criticized government or this special military action more than our government cares about our criminals.

We are dealing with the crime wave and Russia is able to arrest and jail all these dissidents?

Definitely it looks pretty crazy.

Well I myself am pretty shocked at this action as well as how we have seemed to start to repeat 1930s all over again. And it seems like 1930s just do not want to go away.

Well in between this and other current events in the world I'm just going to shake my head and say that this is so crazy I can barely wrap my head around it especially with the first hand experience rushing people have already with that form of government.

You would think that they would have learned.

And the true conspiracy is the fact that individuals and Russia do not have the ability to speak freely and the government conspires against them issuing phenomenally long sentences.
