French Hospital Says COVID-19 Started in November

in Deep Dives4 years ago

According to a hospital in France, COVID-19 was in the country as far back as November 16, 2019. This discovery came to light after the medical imaging department did a retrospective study looking at 2,500 chest scans from November 1 to April 30 after the WHO requested countries to look into pneumonia-like cases from last year.

A WHO expert in animal diseases, Peter Ben Embarek, claims the virus originated in animals (maybe bats), and somehow spreading to humans. Other researchers have looked into whatever is being identified as COVID-19 and state that it likely originated from a lab. A Koch's postulate verification on the virus has yet to be published to positively identify the virus with the associated symptoms people are having.

The WHO continued to state the importance of identifying the animal COVID-19 allegedly came from. Another researching has previously said the virus infects humans much more easily than any other animals tested (including bats) except for pangolins (an animal of Africa).

In a press release in May, Michel Schmitt, chief doctor of the medical imaging department at Albert Schweitzer Hospital, said "the first case was noted in our centre on November 16".

"[There was a] very slow progression of the pathology’s negative impact until the end of February, then a rapid increase in its impact, peaking on March 31."

Hold on. We are told this deadly virus (now known to not be so deadly to most people under 70), is so dangerous because it spreads to quickly. Yet, it was present in November and took up to 4 months before it's presence even became known.

The explanations is apparently:

the virus dispersed sporadically after the first case in mid-November, before accelerating during year-end events such as Christmas markets and family celebrations until the epidemic went full-blown after a religious gathering in the city of Mulhouse, about 40km (25 miles) south of Colmar, in the last week of February.

A religious gathering in February is what propelled the explosion of the contagion? Sure, that makes sense (not really). After i've compared COVID-19 the to flu in Marh and April, some rebuttals were that even if it was like the flu, it's more dangerous because of how contagious it is. Well, it doesn't seem to have been that contagious originally.

Previously published studies for the earliest cases in France were January 24, and then December 27, both with connections to travels to China. But now this case is November 16, while the first confirmed case in China was November 17. Curious.

A spike in the influenza-like season of 2019-2020 indicate COVID-19 may have been present as early as Noevmber in the US as well.

Many of those calls, doctor visits, and hospitalizations categorized as “flu-like-illness” may have been due to the novel coronavirus for which the UK did not know to be looking and was not able to test and, ergo, assumed that it was “just the flu”. Especially given the exaggerated degree of severity noted at the end.

Because many of COVID’s symptoms are so similar to the flu, a good place to look for indications of COVID’s early presence in the US is in the CDC Flu Surveillance data. If COVID were widely disseminated in November or December, it’s presence would have likely caused an increase in doctor visits shortly after it began its rapid spread.

Here is a graph of weekly physician-reported visits for Influenza-like-illness (ILI) reported to the CDC for 2019–2020 year-to-date and for the last two flu seasons.

If COVID-19 was in the West in November, this further demolishes the fear-hyped doomsday scenario from the Imperial Model. It based it's projections of the virus starting in January. If the virus was around for months earlier, with the cases being reported in January and February, it means the contagious threat by COVID-19 is much lower.


This makes sense as satellite data for Wuhan, China indicates that Covid-19 most likely started in October, 2019. This is much earlier that the official story.

Satellite data suggests coronavirus may have hit China earlier: Researchers

That's interesting. Thanks for the info.

Good to see the fellas are keeping current on the CVD issue! Thanks for the info. You always publish well-detailed, professional articles, @krnel.

These guys appear to be using absurd hypotheticals to target religion and the family, just like they did in S. Korea, almost to the letter. Actually, in S Korea, I believe the origin and likely the bulk of the cases were linked to Christian extremists, something to that effect. It's in the WHO Sitreps. Same old tired tactics.

Jon Rappaport has discussed the use, and frequent abuse, of the term "pneumonia-like" symptoms, also noting that chest xrays were, to put it politely, "innefective" at determining the cause of illness. This is highly relevant, considering the "Emergency Room Nurse" attempted to reinvigorate this very concept in her book deal/undercover op. Anyone with discernment will have detected the big lies she slipped in during her big interview.

I'll leave you with a heaping helping of rich gravy, @krnel:

Did you know they pulled the same trick just after the 2009 Swine Flu, also coming off of an economic crash? Yes, they backdated it to increase the numbers, for posterity and all that. One for the history books! Oh, and I did the math and conducted a poll. During the pig flu, an avg of 6 million Americans per month would have had to have contracted that "virus."

Odd thing, though, not a single American polled could name a single "victim" they personally knew. Most required additional details to refresh their memories - so tragically impactful was that event. Even more odd, considering every second household in the country should have been impacted.

Do you, or does anyone, remember what they called their emergency efforts, back then? Sound out the acronym, phonetically.
Public Health Emergency Response (PHER)

Dr Stefan Lanka provides a life-changing commentary on the virus issue.

The antidote to public fear is going viral! Keep spreading the Truth.

Backdating the appearance of COVID doesn't increase excess deaths. It only helps to show how the story doesn't add up. If it's as contagious as they claim... well it wasn't spreading much. Swine flu was a nothing for me, no big deal but they did try to make it one was you say.

I haven't heard this news before your explanation. How physical time you are spending with this virus. We were thinking about it was initiated in in the late of December last year but another bomb on the news of Corona

There's a lot of info that many people don't look at to better make sense of this whole mess...

I just hope that they could find a cure on this already so we can go back to normal

There is a treatment, it's called hydroxychloroquine + zinc. Many deaths would have been avoided.

Congrats for being part of winning our challenge by spreading information!
Keep up the good work!

Yes. Cause there was a case in France at November. But the Covid-19 was not known to the media and the press at that time.