Is rewarding treasonous philosophies and behaviors such a logical thing to do?

in Deep Dives3 years ago

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As you most probably know, I'm very skeptical of all forms of government...

That being said, I'm very pro country and borders. (ie anti globalist one world government.)

National borders are the greatest expression of decentralization - on the global level.
More countries.... more decentralization.

Living within your own borders and not supporting that particular status quo (not to be conflated with any type of expansionist imperialism or colonialism) seems very close to treason, IMO.

Treason is, after all, selling out your own country to an external entity.

Advocating for border less land masses, is advocating for a potential one world government tyranny - It's advocating for centralization , and it must - by default - ensue the dismantling of your own national borders...ergo....

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Hive is an ecosystem.
It's not closed off, but is still an entity unto itself.

Would you support the abolition of Hive, or for it to be taken over by 'a face book'? (steem-esque).

I would hope not.

It's the antithesis of freedom and decentralization.

Why then, are users who advocate such principals of centralization and authoritarian control, constantly rewarded on this platform?

Users who, philosophically, do not see taxation as theft.
Users who think that 'a social contract'- one that's unsigned, and not agreed upon - is somehow a valid contract.

Users who see free markets as 'oppressive' (yet still take rewards for their diatribe...Mmmmm...).

It's illogical to reward this kind of philosophical duplicity.

It's Hive shooting itself in the foot.

It's feeding the cancer that wants to destroy you.

Why would choose to execute such an action?

Don't misinterpret what I'm saying - everyone has the right to free speech, no matter how delusional or how 'cognitively challenged' they appear to be .

All power to them, in actual fact!

Censorship and negative actions the are acts of oppression.
Oppression of free speech are actions of the tyrant, of those living in fear, of those suffering from cognitive dissonance.

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In my 4-5 years on social media, either here or on twatter (and some other places), I have only ever been blocked or had negative actions took against me by those on the so called 'left', politically.
*Not one single independent thinker or those aligning themselves with 'the right' of politics
.*'s almost as if I present arguments and facts that the delusional mind (essential in the leftist) finds too difficult to reconcile - and so, as a way to diminish the cognitive dissonance that's experienced , they block me - or try to censor.

Non leftists blocking me - in four or five years - 0

Leftists blocking me - (approximately) - 265 ish

(this is why I say @antisocialist isn't a commie! - We have great arguments, disagreements, and discussions...)

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To the toxic mind - clean argument, logic and reasoning IS toxic!

....and so, as such, clear thinking must be suppressed in an effort to hide their own inner internal confusions/psychological pain.

Back to hive....and regarding those who wish to destroy you...

If you reward actions that are - ultimately, actions intended to destroy your way of life, your independent thinking, your freedom , then it raises some really interesting questions regarding a person motives for supporting such actions, doesn't it?

Clean your heads.
Question your own actions.

Support those that want to keep everyone's heads, clean.
(buying a raving alcoholic a double scotch, isn't doing either of you any favors..keep that in mind as you up vote...)

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Great reflection!

My recent post about Heretics in science should be right up your alley!

Cheers , matey... I'll go and have a look up your alley, then!

It always surprises me to see people shilling leftist and partisan ideology on this platform....and it astounds me even more to see people voting it up. I've been tempted to opinion downvote though I fundamentally disagree with the idea of doing that.

I guess freedom is freedom and logic and rationality doesn't play a part in that.

I'll never downvote either - on principal. I agree.

freedom is freedom - but only for as long as we use rationality and logic! lol...
(hence the point of upvotng being akin to shooting yourself in the foot..)

Who are these punks?

that's not that important - what is though - is letting people be aware of what it is that they're actually up voting for...

I want to know if I'm unwittingly following any herds...

I don't think I am but you said I'm a cock so now I feel a bit narcissistic.

lol - a cock, a dyslexic and a narcissist? - Ewwwwwwwww.

...and yes, I have noticed one...but I ain't telling

give me a clue i'm really curious now

I wouldn't want to cause you any narcissistic pain....or pian, or is that pani?

I feel I must explain - on my laptop my spell checker on Hive disappeared - but only in Firefox, it's fine in Opera WTF?

And my tablet constantly takes over and changes words,

Along with that I'm trying to be less anal and do more comments

so fuck it, expect dislexia!

No it's not logical to reward them.

LOL this was my most censored post, and they retracted all the downvotes they gave me in a hard fork to cover their asses I guess.

If Hive is a "Free", for all place, then there is room for the left, the right, and the center of the road. If someone wants to vote for ideology I don't agree with, I don't really care. If people want to vote on flat earth post, so what, Pro life blog, who really cares, ANTIFA post pro-against who really cares.

It is the individuals vote to do with what they want, and to vote how they want, and to use it to reward who they want.

I agree - 100%.