---AI--- art and petrified 'titans'

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)


I currently love to experiment with AI as tool for art - very fun time-out activity, you can look at it on my second account @wooka


(unpublished sketch)

and Im truly very impressed by what AI already can do and how fast it is "evolving"

I'm in no way a pro coder/ artist/ geologist or someone who even knows what he is doing :D
just very interested in every"thing" and where we're even "at"
and have fun in experimenting with my unknowingness and all ideas and tools I can get my hands on

therefore also lacking behind and I have the feeling I could do way more - or basically everything - by AI

now to my point:

Still artificial/ archontic Intelligence can only imitate, not create

even if it creates everything, only by prompt, in that art, that everything is only imitation
and it needs new input - creativity, which itself does not have

therefore AI isnt even creating - for me it is just like a portal to lend the skill of humanity, the AI only imitates human skill

I'm no coder. But I'm very deep into the aether topic.
Also I've spoken to some very high ranking three letter institution coders (which are now in the evil free market)

and even if one believes something else--

Still artificial/ archontic Intelligence will only be able to imitate, not create

while their imitation will become better and better, maybe even exponential
it still will have no chance to gain real creativity by immortal conciousness/ life

AI will never be superior to life

AI might be more efficient due to its mechanicalesness - but that is like a proof of its lack

As you becoming more mechanical your awareness disappears

risk everything for awareness - but never risk awareness for anything
there is no other value, which is higher than awareness

AI is just a little glimpse on the big timeline (haha, actually very much like the nihilists want you to believe humanity/ life would be)

just a fun tool

at that time, they already try to convince us of AI gettin 'alive' (LaMDA)

well why do you think they try to convince us of this?

by @artgrafiken


still, we have very cool times upcoming with AI
just imagine: no more emojis - but perfectly fitting memes just by prompts :3

it may even open a new way of communicating feelings we couldnt even think of (thinking also isnt feeling)

how should life be superior?


are you ready for a trip into a giant petrified elephant?


(games and virtual reality might be another good topic in this wider context)


Still artificial/ archontic Intelligence can only imitate, not create

But if it is so good that no one can decide if it was created or imitated?
If the AI has no "real" feelings (at least we believe so) but behaves perfectly as if it would have? What are "real" feelings, as we know they are often also chemically (endorphines, neurotransmitters, hormones like oxytocin, etc.) induced?
At the end of the day, what makes an AI worse than a human who also sometimes imitates and sometimes fakes feelings?

A human being is capable of real deal - without faking it, even though humans often fake it to fit in..

Without input, the AI could not generate anything. Can't create anything.
Humans can do this.
Even though humans also learn through imitation (isnt anything bad on it - imitation is a great memetic storage of information) - they can also still create something completely unique after learning/ imitating - and even before. - You couldnt imagine what little kids already told me crazy stories, they made up/ dreamed/ imagined..

Real feelings (especially seen with chemistry) are just an outside effect of something inside.
AI is just a fake inside effect of only-outside..

Thanks for the critical comment :)

!BEER !PIZZA !invest_vote

Mich würde interessieren, wie dieses Tool heißt.

Da gibt es wortwörtlich endlos viele.. und von jedem nochmal endlose forks.. :D

oder welche ich benutze?
Neuralism, vor allem in JAX fand ich sehr cool - gibt es scheinbar gerade aber gar nicht mehr.. find es zumindest grad nicht
structured dreaming für gesichter und auch paar abgespacete dinge
braucht aber alles extreme Rechenleistung - kostenlos kann man bissl rumprobieren über Google Server

ansonsten wäre craiyon zum rumprobieren und spielen sicher auch nicht verkehrt

oder eben midjourney, kostet aber auch - bis auf die dutzend testläufe als demo am anfang


bin aber auch nicht up-to-date und gibt mittlerweile wahrscheinlich noch viel viel krassere Dinge..
brauche es aber auch nicht so krass, bin ja nur am rumspielen und ergänzen

und da das jetzt nur AI Tools waren:
Photoshop ist und bleibt das wichtigste Tool (zumindest für mich) und hat mittlerweile auch schon ein bisschen AI drin :)

Funktioniert Photoshop in Linux?

mit Hilfe von wine

bald laufen sogar Spiele besser auf Linux als auf Windows - dank steam's Beiträgen in Form von Proton

find die Entwicklungen noch faszinierender als AI

ja, das find ich auch gerade interessant. Vor allem weil viel Leute "die Ausrede" verwenden, sie bräuchten unbedingt das [echte] Microsoft Office und das lässt sich anscheinend mit wine nicht starten.

Vielleicht ändert sich das auch bald.

Ist Gimp eigentlich qualitativ weit weg von Photoshop?

Ich würde mal sagen, wenn man kein ultra Photoshop Pro ist und auf ganz ganz ganz spezielle Spezialfunktionen angewiesen ist, kann man gimp schnell mal als Photoshop verwechseln..^


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