
"Misinformation" is newspeak for "anti-propaganda". The hierarchy pushes their injection propaganda and everything that is contrary to it is "misinformation". It's becoming a thought-crime to speak against the death-squirt. We're supposed to believe it's life-saving technology. Never-mind reality, a higher percentage of people dying from the poke than the disease (once you discount all the nursing home murders and other questionable supposed COVID deaths), they have a world government to set up. Can't let the masses of people get in the way of that.


According to the hierarchy, the only "right" information is their propaganda. All contrary information is "wrong" information. In this application, it's not actually "incorrect" or "false", but it's "wrong".


What I'm not sure about, in both these disturbing events, is if they were deliberately planned and executed.

You are still not sure? Haven’t you seen the Event 201 page, @zyx066?