
Hi There!
More than agree with You on all counts but one...
The "Sociopath & Psychopath" numbers are low...
Where I live, it's a "explosion"!
They use think models like:
"Why ask"? No is not the response I wanted anyways...
"If Your not going to kill Me You have to deal with me"...
"If I wasn't supposed to screw You around, I wouldn't know You",
These are all statements I have heard, by the way.
True enough, "Man" is a heading animal...
Only the man in the street doesn't get it because he is sold the idea (and "worked" for it too), that by aquiring certain items he has defined himself as an individual.
And the company's profit from his dream....
Have a Great Weekend!

Sorry for the late response my friend... As always, thanks so much for stopping by :-)

Always interesting subject matter!
Sorry for late Replys...
Had front end problems last 2 days and decided not to fight with it...