When the Noise Can't be Ignored

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)

EN - Don't Look Away.jpg

"Stay positive!", "Everything will work out!", "Think happy thoughts!", "Connect with Light!". You've probably heard this and similar advice many times, especially from people who work on awareness and spirituality. This is valuable, sure, but it's not always possible and may be profoundly detrimental if forced, because this life isn't always awesome and sometimes, simply put, shit happens. We smell it, we see it, denying it isn't wise or productive.

Seems like every week that passes is packed with more astounding news from all over the world, doesn't it? The French just went through a scary election and, although the greater danger may have been averted, they're hardly out of the sinkhole's sway. The British also grapple with a political class that considers itself above the law and for good reasons. The war in Ukraine rages on and the horror only picks up. China's making not-so-shy overtures to take over Taiwan while they torture their citizens with an inhumane lockdown. In Nigeria, an illegal oil refinery explodes, killing over a hundred people. In Sudan, tribal warfare wipes nearly 170 lives. There are no less than five shootings in the U.S. on average daily as wildfires ravage the southern states. Violence between Israel and its neighbors continues.

This is all quite dreadful, no doubt about it. Meanwhile, April will end with a partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus that brings its own complexities. Isn't there anything good to look forward to? Why, yes, of course there is! But unfortunately, we can't get there without going through the hardships. Dark times hold the highest Light, and wisdom demands sacrifice. Many things we thought were ok about our world have steadily been unveiled as lies, and this is why it's important that we don't attempt to deny what's going on. It's not useful to avert our eyes, trying can only disconnect us from reality, after which no choice can lead to true growth. I've seen it in myself before, I see it in many people I love and whose processes I can only observe and, of course, I see it in strangers everywhere. I pray for greater global awareness, I make offerings for the reconstitution of our species, I send Love to every corner of our world so that the sufferers may find solace and the transgressors meet full justice.

There are very good and very old reasons why our world is in this situation. Ancestral wounds don't heal in unconsciousness, they bleed and hurt deeply until we realize they're there and do something about them. Wishing them away isn't enough, we have to take a serious look, seek the cause of our discomfort, walk through our fears. As Shakespeare wrote, "Hell is empty and all the devils are here", which might sound foreboding and horrible, but the power of the Shadow is distraction and confusion. If we can't help but seeing it, then it's losing power instead of gaining it. The more eyes see, the more hearts feel, the more ears hear, the more its sway declines.

I don't call you to hope for better times, I enjoin you to be witnesses, to let your hearts break if necessary, because what's happening is rooted on our ignorance. Tyrants gain power because we let them or actively support them. Violence arises from our mass resentment and hatred. Crime unfolds in the unlit corners of our consciousness. You may think that you'd be incapable of atrocities, that you'd never kill anyone willingly, that you'd never steal or cause lasting harm to your society. Think again. Delve deep. It's the only way you can be sure. The disgrace we're seeing is how our world purges the poison and the disease, bringing it from the unseen recesses of our collective mind so it can be cleared. Neither you nor me, nor any other person in this world (yes, even the ones who are victims now) are beyond moral bankruptcy.

That doesn't mean that we should spend every hour of every day in vigilance, that we absolutely have to follow news or anything like it. As I've said before in previous posts, there are also wonderful things taking place during these times, there's beauty to be found everywhere, even and perhaps especially amidst catastrophe, where the best of our character surfaces out of necessity. But it's extremely important now that we don't try to evade the sorrow and the indignity around us, because it's also within us and only by growing aware of it can we heal it and move on. Let's indeed build our art, tend to our flowers and fruits, embrace our joy, but let's also acknowledge the cost and the pain, it's the only real means to secure global progress.


Nauthiz. Necessity, Separation, Definition

Tend to what you need and then think of what you wish for, you can't fulfill your desires if you lack the essential. Genuine pleasure requires moderation and responsibility. You can't step firmly on unstable or slippery terrain, reconsider relationships that demand more than they offer; constantly reading between the lines is an arduous and often useless task. Don't submit to unjustified conditions nor attempt to impose them, the perspectives of others don't compel or concern you. If there's discrepancy between what you think and what you feel, always listen to your instincts. Conciliation isn't always possible even with those you love; withdraw in time, being right is never more valuable than your personal peace. Practicing the same routines will give you the same results, if you're not obtaining what you seek, change your habits, try a different attitude.

 2 years ago  

Dark times hold the highest Light, and wisdom demands sacrifice.

With what is happening in the world now, it is for us to realize that it takes greater sacrifice to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We all are sad and wanting a way forward but we can't find it unless we are ready to sacrifice for the betterment of our lives.

Wishing them away isn't enough, we have to take a serious look, seek the cause of our discomfort, walk through our fears.

It is true with the saying that what we don't know can kill us. Our ignorance has gained ground for the tyrants to take advantage of us and we need to find the cause and get out from being ignorant and confronting what has been like fear to us.

And I think it's important to realize that, although sacrifice is a strong word that may have connotations of sorrow and pain, what we must let go of is actually something that encumbers us, it's not to our benefit. We could only know this once the letting go happens. Thank you so much for your comment! Blessings!

reconsider relationships that demand more than they offer;

I actually ended a close friendship some weeks ago because I felt that I was giving way more than I received. It's been a challenge since I considered her my best friend for the last 10 years or so. But I know it'll free up energy for me. Even though it has felt rather empty. I feel I'm in a process of inviting new relationships into my life. It just feels rather lonely at the moment. But that's ok. That's a feeling I can cope with rather well.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom 🌿

Blessings to you 🌸

I hope that you can recover soon from that departure. I've had to make so many decisions in that regard for the past three years and I know how hard they can be.

Great love to you, dear. Thank you for your comment and for your support! Be blessed!

Hello, Javier @drrune
You have kept it real here! The first paragraph is so profound.

...life isn't always awesome and sometimes, simply put, shit happens. We smell it, we see it, denying it isn't wise or productive.

Indeed, I have witnessed that in many people, and know that you have to take the good with the bad. Dark times teach us so much, so I think we ought to embrace and analyze them instead of pulling blinders with the hope that things will go away.

It's always great to read your views on matters, and I'm intrigued by your depth of knowledge, especially in astrology related areas.

I wish you a great week ahead:)))

Thank you so much @millycf1976!! Yes, it's very easy to succumb to the temptation of ignoring the bad to supposedly empower the good, but like we say here in Venezuela: "Hay que comerse las verdes para tener las maduras" which translates to "One has to eat the fruit raw first in order to enjoy the ripe fruit". The dark parts are the ones that give depth to our experience. How else could we truly feel joy?

I'll have to resume my Astrology posts soon, then! Wholehearted blessings to you!

What shaped you, @drrune? I wonder if it was the similar type of life-forces that burnished me "through the fire" as they say.

For years, I've had the feeling that "something is coming." The people around me know this, and I have no idea what it is, but the feeling that each day we're getting closer and closer to it, won't leave me. In late 2019 when I saw the first tendrils of the pandemic in China, I thought maybe that might be it, but not anymore.

Your post is beautifully written and so true. Some of the bad things that have happened to me prevented even worse horrors from occuring. See enough of those, and your perspective begins to change. Intuition is real and has saved me countless times. But it's faint enough not to overpower our own free will, leaving us the space to decide whether to listen, or not.

Yes, I was shaped through fire too. Death and tyranny leave scars that can't be put away or neatly concealed, nor should they, because what have we in this world but our experiences, right?

I also share your premonitions and feelings. This is a fundamentally transformative time for all of us and we'll come out of it strengthened, but the ride is just beginning. There's much we must collectively learn (or rather, unlearn) to secure our long-term evolution, and it'll take pain, no other way around it, but oh the beauty that's coming, man! I'm sure you sense it too!

Thank you so much for your awesome comment and your insight! Soulful blessings upon you!