[ENG/ESP] Ladies of Hive Contest #136: Treasuring Memories - The Spoiled "Pelusa".

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago


    Good afternoon and happy Wednesday my dear HIVE friends, a big hello to the #ladiesofhive community, as I read what this new contest #136, I did not hesitate to want to participate, since our friend @elizabethbit left us two good questions, that I would love to answer, where we can talk about that wonderful memory of our youth, as well as about how we pamper our pets; they are topics of much sentimental and emotional value, it is worth developing both questions.


Photographs of my property, Edited in Canva


Memories are a wonderful thing! They help us to remain close to family and friends when distance is a barrier. The question is:

What is the youngest memory you have? What was the memory and how old were you at the time?

    There are so many memories that come to my head, but there is a special one that originates others, which are the ones that make more noise in me reading this statement, because today is little contact I have with a group of friends who were part of a church choir in El Tejero, where I lived my childhood and part of my youth, I started in this choir about 17 years ago; We were a great family, I remember each of them, we shared many valuable and important moments for almost three years, then each of us took different paths, most of us left, some out of the country and others like me to the city, few remained in the village and in the church.



    When I have the opportunity to go to Tejero and go to church, I see the members of that old choir that stayed and it makes me very nostalgic, to approach them, it is like going back to that time, the treatment and affection is the same, the distance and the little communication have not damaged what we once were, a group of girls, because we were all women, learning music from two good teachers, to sing to our Lord, and we not only sang in the church of our town, also in other places that invited us, it was exciting, we were not the best, but we did it with all our hearts in honor of our GOD, and it was something that made us feel very good.


    The friendship that was formed was so great that even if we didn't have rehearsals or masses where we had to sing, we would get together to share and have a good time.


I was 16 years old at the time, now I am almost 33 years old, and these memories will always remain vivid in my heart.


Pets! They are a part of the family!

Do you spoil them; dress them up; pamper them? If so, how? Please share a photo of your pet being spoiled!.

    That day that I spoiled my dear Pelusa, I was free, I had no work day, so I had more time to dedicate to him, I must say that he is not so affectionate, so I had to spoil him as he likes, giving him a lot to eat, so I made him very tasty food just for him, I also gave him milk and a little bit of cookies, after letting him sleep for a while, he sat with me outside the house, and the environment lent itself to take some pictures together, he is very photogenic my kitten, he let me take several pictures, and we sat outside for almost two hours until we took some pictures together, He sat with me outside the house, and the environment lent itself to take some pictures together, my kitty is very photogenic, he let me take several pictures, and we sat outside for almost two hours until the sun went down, talking and resting, it seems illogical to say that I was talking to a cat, but besides being a good listener, I feel that I understand a little of what we say.


This was all my beautiful friends, I say goodbye, I hope you liked my participation in this new weekly contest, you are loved.



    Buenas tardes y feliz miércoles mis queridos amigos de HIVE, un gran saludo a la comunidad de #ladiesofhive, al leer de que trata este nuevo concurso #136, no dude en querer participar, ya que nuestra amiga @elizabethbit nos dejo dos buenas preguntas, que me encantaría responder, donde podemos hablar de ese recuerdo maravilloso de nuestra juventud, como también sobre como mimamos a nuestras mascotas; son temas de mucho valor sentimental y emocional, vale la pena desarrollar ambas preguntas.


Fotografías de mi propiedad, Editadas en Canva


Los recuerdos son algo maravilloso. Nos ayudan a permanecer cerca de la familia y los amigos cuando la distancia es una barrera. La pregunta es:

¿Cuál es el recuerdo más joven que tienes? ¿Cuál era el recuerdo y cuántos años tenías entonces?

    Hay tantos recuerdos que vienen a mi cabeza, pero hay uno especial que de ese se originan otros, que son los que más ruido hacen en mí leyendo este enunciado, ya que hoy en día es poco el contacto que tengo con un grupo de amigos que hicimos parte de un coro de la Iglesia en El Tejero, lugar donde viví mi infancia y parte de mi juventud, inicie en este coro ya hace 17 años aproximadamente; fuimos una gran familia,recuerdo a cada uno de ellos, compartimos muchos momentos valiosos e importantes por casi tres años, luego cada uno de nosotros tomamos caminos diferentes, la mayoría nos fuimos, unos fuera del país y otros como yo para la ciudad, pocos quedaron el en pueblo y en la iglesia.



    Cuando tengo la oportunidad de ir a Tejero y de ir a la iglesia, veo a los integrantes de ese antiguo coro que se quedaron y me da mucha nostalgia, a acercarme a ellos, es como volver a esa época, el trata y el cariño es el mismo, la distancia y la poca comunicación no han dañado lo que una vez fuimos, un grupo de muchachas, porque eramos todas mujeres, aprendiendo de música de dos buenos maestros, para cantarle a nuestro Señor, y no solo cantamos en la iglesia de nuestro pueblo, también en otros lugares, que nos invitaban, era emocionante, no éramos los mejores, pero lo hacíamos de todo corazones en honor a nuestro DIOS, y era algo que nos hacía sentir muy bien.


    Fue tan grande la amistad que se formó, que así no tuviéramos ensayos o misas en donde tuviéramos que cantar, nos reuníamos para compartir y pasarla muy bien.


Tenía 16 años para ese entonces, ahora tengo casi 33 años, y estos recuerdos permanecerán vivos siempre en mi corazón.


¡Mascotas! Son parte de la familia.

¿Las mimas, las vistes, las consientes? Si es así, ¿cómo? Comparte una foto de tu mascota mimada.

    Ese día que que mime a mi querido Pelusa, en estaba libre, no tenía jornada laboral, así que tuve mas tiempo para dedicarle a él, debo decir que no es tan cariñoso, así que tuve que consentirlo como a él le gusta, dándole mucho de comer, así que le hice comida muy rica solo para él, además le di leche y un poquito de galletas, después de dejarlo dormir un buen rato, se sentó conmigo afuera de la casa, y el ambiente se prestó para tomarnos algunas fotos juntos, es muy fotogénico mi gatito, se dejó tomar varias fotos, y estuvimos sentados afuera por casi dos horas hasta que se metió el sol, hablando y descansando, parece algo ilógico que diga, que estuve hablando con un gato, pero ademas de saber escuchar, siento que entiendo un poco de lo que decimos.


Esto fue todo mis bellos amigos, me despido, esperando les haya gustado mi participación en este nuevo concurso semanal, se les quiere.


Photographs of my Property

Edited Cover Image, Farewell Image and dividers, created by me in: Canva.
Translation made in Deepl.

Fotografías de mi Propiedad
Imagen de Portada Editada, Imagen de despedida y separadores, creados por mi en: Canva.
Traducción hecha en Deepl.



It is nice when we can remember those times from our youth, I also remembered some moments these days from that age, when I was 16. Talking to your cat, cool :)
My husband talk to a sparrow and my friend eve to ants jaja

Hello friend, thank you very much for your visit, for your comment, that's right friend, it's good to remember those moments that we live and treasure throughout our lives; hehe I am not the only one who talks to animals, greetings and many blessings to you.

I think we all talk to animals, but some people just don't admit it haha

You bunch of girls were pretty and fun loving. Such a cool gang you had and it's so heart warming to know that you all still unite. The spark that we have at that age is full of fun and frolic.

Hello friend, thanks for the visit, it's like that, we were very close, we did almost everything together, sing, laugh, cry, say goodbye for the love breakups hehe, everything, it was good to remember that time.

Greetings and blessings.


Good evening, thank you very much for your support, blessings!!!!

Such a great memories you have....I love the bonding❤️.