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RE: Concept of parenthood: Necessary qualities expected of a parent to possess. LOH #186

There are lots of immature women who have children and cannot train them well. How do you expect a girl who was impregnated at a young age should take care of a child? She, also is still receiving morals at home but because of her wayward lifestyle and having being impregnated early enough, such lady cannot take the role of parenting well. We have many of them like that. Most parents, all they know is how to lure their children to do illegal works in order to bring money home to them. That is where you see most parents never questioning their kids of wrong lifestyle.
Parenting isn't an easy task.


It's just about immature women, it takes two immature adults to have kids without adequate planning for the kids.

Absolutely right. It's just like two blind people leading each other. Lol

It is quite tragic when you see underage student giving birth and raising their own children, though majority of them are also victims of untrained parents which has resulted to creating a generation of indiscipline parents.

In the case of materialism, some parents consider their children to be tools of making money irrespective of their age.

I appreciate your insightful contribution, thanks for stopping by 🤗