in Inner Blocks3 years ago

I had to buy a few things, a loaf of bread and some other ordinary edibles ...


... so I drove to the grocery store on the other side of town, just a few minutes drive because this is a small town ... and since I felt kind of inspired, and the camera is always at hand ... after the shopping was done, I took a few shots around the building. This is a view of the store and my little gray car parked in front of it.


There is a little bakery there, and since the beginning of the pandemic the transactions are done through the window, not in the small shop ... which works really good, maybe this is something that will remain even after the Covid situation is over.


There is a cheesy advert from some supposedly traditional cheese on a lateral facade of the building ... partially covered by the garbage can with some cardboard garbage in it ... I don't know exactly why, but this looked kind of cool to put on the photograph ... so I took these shot ... before leaving the place.


On the way home, I stopped by the tobacco shop near the square in the center of the old town ... bought the newspapers there and took this shot ... the cool design of this little, inclined garbage can, that was recently mounted there and is used mostly as an ashtray. With the bars closed, people come here for their morning dose of coffee and cigarettes ... both available in the tobacco shop.


When I parked the car in my yard, I didn't feel like going home, so I just left the groceries and continued walking ... through my neighborhood ...


... pass the iconic church on the hill ...


... to the woods and meadows at the outskirts of town ...


... I found this little container home ... or a house - shaped container ... that wasn't there a few weeks ago when I last passed this way.


It looked a bit like some oversized toy for children ... a doll house replica ... something like that ... a bit weird and surreal, although I don't know exactly why ...


While taking these photographs, I put my glasses down on the grass because they are good only for reading and up close macro stuff ... and when I took them again, ready to mount them on my nose, this minuscule molt of some leafhopper whas attached to them.


Then I noticed a strange leaf on the nearby blackberry shrub ...


... when I came closer ... and took a better look ...


... I saw that it's a butterfly.


On my walk back home, I passed by the house of my HIVE and real life friend @denisdenis ...


... and I found some joyful, colorful eggs hanging from a tree in his yard ... after that I was home, ready to write this post ... as always in these walks on HIVE, the photographs are my work - THE END.


Good afternoon, I liked the photo of the butterfly, it is a🦋 pontia edusa,🦋 I remember it because when I was young, I had to do research on different butterflies and I remember that one in particular because I could not find a photo to put in my work and I had to draw by reference from a friend, it has a very beautiful color.

Cool :) thanks for the info. Have a nice day.

Thanks for sharing this adventure with us. That butterfly is out of this world, never seen that color of green before.

Yes, it's not very common combination of shapes and color for a butterfly ... usually the patterns look more geometric, while these look like green stains

The container houses are really pretty and I love the pictures of the butterflies they have really beautiful colors and if they are in the leaves they can easily fool us Because the color is like leaves :)

Beautiful crezi cute cat ;;;;))))))

both eggs are great as you would ,: ;))

I'm really interested in these Container Houses. In my country, there are different designs related to these houses. I think they are very beautiful.

Yes, I like them too ... a simple and elegant housing solution.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment