Happiness or sadness

in Reflections11 months ago


Yesterday I called the mechanic to check again the car that has a failure that has me a headache while I was waiting for him I was talking to my daughter about the economy and she told me mom everything is money, money and more money what occurred to me to answer was that is because we live in an economy that increases every day and we are just not millionaires we have to work hard, but what is the reality of money?

Money is necessary many say that it does not make happiness, but I believe that it leaves us at the entrance of heaven to have the peace of mind that you can meet your basic needs such as buying food, a house, clothes, having economic security for the whole family gives you peace of mind to some extent, money plays a very important role in society if it were missing I assure you that people would panic and everything would be chaos, In my country there was a time when there was a shortage of cash, the lines at the banks were endless and the amount was limited, you could not withdraw what you wanted, the amount was determined by the bank, those were very difficult days, because what they gave you was not enough to pay for public transportation, everything was a problem.


Does money have limits?

The Norwegian poet Arne Garborg wrote: "You can buy food, but not appetite; you can buy medicine, but not health; comfortable beds, but not sleep; books, but not intelligence; amusement, but not pleasure; acquaintances, but not true friendship; servants, but not fidelity; you can buy quiet days, but you cannot buy peace."

I once read, I don't remember where at the moment, what the Norwegian writer Arne Garborg said about money, if you analyze it you realize that he is partly right

"You can buy food, but not appetite; you can buy medicine, but not health; comfortable beds, but not sleep; books, but not intelligence; fun, but not pleasure; acquaintances, but not true friendship; servants, but not fidelity; you can buy quiet days, but you cannot buy peace".


When you give a realistic sense to money you can see it as a means to an end and satisfy your needs, but if you look at it as an end in itself and every day you want to get more and more money your reality changes, you begin to see life in terms of money and not money in terms of life this has caused much suffering in people I just want a decent life and tranquility not accumulate wealth.

How much division does money cause?

While the mechanic was repairing my car he also talked to me about the money, I think today it is only about that, he told me that he had problems with his brother, they had never had any problems until his brother bought his car and sold it for a medical emergency, Two months later the car started to fail and the brother got upset and wanted his money back, he did not tell him that the car had problems and he had already spent the money, he tried to explain the situation but his brother felt cheated, he became very aggressive and now they do not talk to each other, the money separated and damaged the family relationship of these brothers.

Money is important and necessary, I will not deny it, but it depends on the point of view you see the money, a person who is a millionaire may think that the poor person does not like to work or is lazy, or if you are poor you think that millionaires are materialistic and everything revolves around money, both thoughts can make negative judgments of a person that can generate rejection.


Many marriages divorce because of economic problems and lack of money, others commit suicide when debts drown them, they give more importance to money than to the family and even to life itself, I know what you are thinking... Aha...** If I don't have money what do I do?** If you have a balanced point of view and do not lose control you will realize that you do not need to be a millionaire to be happy, lately I am evaluating the way I am seeing money and I assure you that I need it very much, but my family and my peace of mind are more important, I try to stay away from people who only talk about money and their life revolves around that topic, I do not want my heart to grow greed, I am trying to give money the place it deserves in my life, is the way to have mental health, but everyone sees it from their own perspective.


Photos of my property taken with my cell phone