My new work in pencil. I am still learning to draw with strokes =)

in Nerday3 years ago

My new work in pencil.

Sometimes I want to diversify my creativity, then I start drawing with a pencil. Most of the time, my drawings are bright, funny and cute.

At the moment I am creating a new series of art. These will also be cute postcards. I already want to show them to you, but I want to prepare the whole process and take a good photo of the finished art, then I will send it to you.

And I also decided to bake gingerbread with my mother in order to do more of the process, and so that you can see that I am drawing on food. At work, it is impossible to photograph the process. This is work. You yourself understand that the bosses will not like it if I instead of work taking pictures and wasting my time. In addition, you need someone who can help take pictures, because the glaze dries quickly and the paint too, so you can ruin a cake or gingerbread. And this will affect not only my salary, but they may also kick me out) lol

I don't know how long I will be working in a candy store. But I know for sure that now I will always draw on our birthday cakes at home =)

My art, I drew a girl. I am still learning to draw with strokes =)

Моя новая работа карандашом.

Иногда хочется разнообразить свое творчество, тогда я начинаю рисовать карандашом. Чаще всего мои рисунки яркие, веселые и милые.

На данный момент я создаю новую серию артов. Это будут тоже милые открытки. Мне уже хочется вам их показать, но я хочу подготовить весь процесс и сделать хорошее фото готовых артов, тогда отправлю вам.

А еще я решила с мамой испечь пряники, чтобы сделать больше процесса, и чтобы вы видели что это я на еде рисую. На работе не получается фотографировать процесс. Это ведь работа. Сами понимаете, что начальству не понравится, если я буду вместо того что работать фотографировать, и тратить рабочее время. К тому же нужен тот кто сможет помогать фотографировать, ведь глазурь быстро сохнет и краска тоже, так можно испортить торт или пряник. А это отразится не только на моей зарплате, но и меня могут выгнать) лол

Не знаю как долго я буду работать в кондитерском магазине. Но я знаю наверника, что теперь дома всегда буду рисовать на наших праздничных тортах =)

Мой арт, я рисовала девушку. Я все еще учусь рисовать штрихами =)

Pencil sketch drawing process. Drawing with pencil strokes is harder for me than drawing with watercolors and watercolors.

But I will study. an artist must be able to draw everything and everything =)


बहुत सुंदर कलाकृति

 3 years ago  

Awesome Drawing as always. Upvoted at 100%

hey! many thanks!

Good work, I think that one of the most difficult parts to draw are the eyes and those of your drawing penetrate, the final result is very good

The hardest part in drawing a portrait is the construction) Every millimeter is important.
Thank you very much =)

Trying out new things is one of the best way to kick off and ignite our creativity as far as art is concerned

You really have a lot of things to worry about as regards combining your current job with this art work. My work is also affecting my activities online so I always manage to be active over the weekend but I wish that there is a way to perfectly combine the two roles.

I really want you to know that this work shows a lot of expertise and I like the fact that you are ready to push yourself beyond this limit. I look forward to more of your work.

Agree. We would have more hours in a day so that we all have time =)
Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it!

Your drawing is great, the part I like the most are the eyes

many thanks friend!

This character looks so mysterious. Good job.