The Village Child | History | Part 1 | [Eng-Esp]

in Writing Club3 years ago (edited)


"¿Llegaron las lluvias?"

"Sí, dice Ricardo."

"¿Ya sabes que no nos veremos como antes?"

"Sí, lo sé. No dejes de cuidarme."

Ricardo es un niño de 11 años, vive solo en una pequeña casa de campo. No siente que hablaba solo, pues hablaba por él y por su amigo Lobo.

Lobo su perro es el mejor amigo de Ricardo, aparte de eso es su compañero, no lo deja solo ni por un instante.

Cada vez que las lluvias llegan, llega una tía de Ricardo. Ella se llama Anna, no es la tía más amorosa del mundo pero por lo menos lo visita por una larga temporada cada año.

Cuando Lobo comenzaba a gruñir sin parar. Ricardo sabía que su tía Anna se acercaba, ya que cada vez que ella venía donde su sobrino, el perro Lobo tenía que dormir fuera de casa.

"Did the rains come?"

"Yes, says Ricardo."

"You know we won't see each other like before?"

"Yes, I know. Don't stop taking care of me."

Ricardo is an 11 year old boy, he lives alone in a small country house. He doesn't feel that he was talking to himself, because he speaks for him and for his friend Lobo.

Lobo his dog is Ricardo's best friend, besides that he is his companion, he doesn't leave him alone even for a moment.

Every time the rains come, Ricardo's aunt arrives. Her name is Anna, she is not the most loving aunt in the world but at least she visits him for a long time every year.

When Lobo started to growl non-stop, Ricardo already knew that his aunt Anna was coming, because every time she came to his nephew's place, Lobo the dog had to sleep outside the house.



Ricardo quedó huérfano de madre cuando apenas tenía 9 años, era muy chico más sin embargo logró sobrellevar el dolor, la ausencia de su madre y la soledad de su casa.

Cuando su madre murió, Ricardo se apegó más a Lobo quien era muy cachorro y juguetón, Lobo curó con risas las lágrimas de Ricardo y le dio valor para seguir.

Pero la dura y cruel tía no entendía esa conexión entre humano y animal, no entendía el amor ni la amistad.

Aún así, eran sólo unas 8 semanas lo que la tía Anna duraba visitando a Ricardo, durante ese tiempo él trataba de darle más amor y atención durante el día a su amigo Lobo, para compensar el tener que dejarlo fuera de casa todas esas noches frías y húmedas.

Le preparaba en el galpón una cama muy caliente con muchas pajas y algunas telas de lana, pero eso no calentaba el triste corazón de su amigo Lobo, quien dormir solo y fuera de casa, lo hacía estar muy descontento.

Ricardo was orphaned when he was only 9 years old, he was very young but nevertheless he managed to overcome the pain, the absence of his mother and the loneliness of his home.

When his mother died, Ricardo became more attached to Lobo who was very puppyish and playful, Lobo cured Ricardo's tears with laughter and gave him the courage to go on.

But the hard and cruel aunt didn't understand that connection between human and animal, she didn't understand love and friendship.

Even so, it was only about 8 weeks that Aunt Anna visited Ricardo, during that time he tried to give more love and attention during the day to his friend Lobo, to compensate for having to leave him out of the house all those cold and wet nights.

He would prepare a very warm bed for him in the shed, with lots of straws and some woolen cloths, but that did not warm the sad heart of his friend Lobo, who, sleeping alone and away from home, made him very unhappy.



Ricardo siempre soñaba con su mamá, con un hogar, con hermanos, con saber de su padre, saber si vivía o si había muerto. A pesar del rencor que una vez guardó por él, Ricardo estando solo, quería realmente saber de su padre. Tenía pocos recuerdos de él y hace 4 años que una vez lo vio partir, pero jamás regresar.

La madre de Ricardo lloraba tanto, que poco a poco la tristeza, la ausencia de su amado, la desesperación por estar sola con una criatura muy pequeña y todas esas emociones, la fueron debilitando y matando.

Ricardo hacía de todo en su casa, desde que su padre los abandonó, él aprendió a ordeñar, limpiar, sembraba lo que su fuerza le permitía, hasta cocinaba granos y molía maíz, todo por ver a su madre feliz, por ayudarla con la carga, ya que ella era tan débil y algunas veces enfermaba.

Ricardo always dreamed of his mother, of a home, of siblings, of knowing about his father, of knowing if he was alive or dead. Despite the grudge he once held for him, Ricardo, being alone, really wanted to know about his father. He had few memories of him, and it had been 4 years since he had once seen him leave, but never return.

Ricardo's mother cried so much, that little by little the sadness, the absence of her loved one, the desperation of being alone with a very small child and all those emotions, were weakening and killing her.

Ricardo did everything at home, since his father abandoned them, he learned to milk, clean, sow what his strength allowed him, he even cooked grains and grinded corn, all to see his mother happy, to help her with the burden, since she was so weak and sometimes got sick.


Todos por el pueblo querían a Ricardo, lo apreciaban mucho; el panadero siempre le tenía una cesta de panes lista a la hora que él pasaba por ahí, el carnicero lo ayudaba a cuidar algunos reses y rebaños que el padre de Ricardo había dejado en sus tierras, varios jóvenes del pueblo lo ayudaban con las siembras de granos, frutos, y algunas hortalizas, y otros lo ayudaban a cargar el agua del pozo hasta su casa.

Él sabía todo sobre el campo, a medida que iba creciendo, aprendía más y más. Muchos lo ayudaron atender a su desvalida madre, y en su partida, todo el pueblo estuvo con él, lo apoyaron y lo ayudaban cada vez más.

Era el niño del pueblo, el niño que ayudaba a las ancianas a cargas sus compras, ayudaba al panadero con los sacos de harina, cuidaba las gallinas de Doña Rosa, ordeñaba las vacas de algunos de sus vecinos, y todo eso era muy recompensado.

Everyone in town loved Ricardo, they appreciated him very much; the baker always had a basket of bread ready for him whenever >he passed by, the butcher helped him take care of some cattle and herds that Ricardo's father had left on his land, several young men from the town helped him with the sowing of grains, fruits, and some vegetables, and others helped him carry the water from the well to his house.

He knew everything about farming, and as he grew older, he learned more and more. Many helped him take care of his helpless mother, and in his departure, the whole village was with him, they supported him and helped him more and more.

He was the village boy, the boy who helped the old ladies with their shopping, helped the baker with the sacks of flour, took care of Doña Rosa's chickens, milked the cows of some of his neighbors, and all of this was greatly rewarded.



Las veces que la tía Anna visitaba a Ricardo, muchos en el pueblo dejaban de visitarlo pero igual lo esperaban todos los días como de costumbre a que él pasara por las calles de cada habitante del pueblo.

Por lo estricto, la dureza del corazón y lo extraña y callada que era la tía Anna,muchos en el pueblo preferían distanciarse un poco de la casa de Ricardo.

Ricardo quería al menos tener dos adultos que lo amaran que vivieran con él y que lo hicieran sentir en familia.

Pensaba que todo hubiera sido más fácil si hubiera tenido tan si quiera hermanos mayores. Ya que sabía que no era bueno que un niño viviera solo. Habían días donde dormía muy agotado y triste.

Su fiel amigo Lobo, cuidaba de él y lo hacía muy feliz en medio de todo lo que él pasaba, jugaba con Lobo y sentía que las horas pasaban volando, su compañía lo hacía sentir seguro y valiente para seguir cada día.

The times that Aunt Anna visited Ricardo, many in the village stopped visiting him, but they still waited for him every day as usual for him to pass through the streets of every inhabitant of the village.

Because of the strictness, the hardness of heart and how strange and quiet Aunt Anna was, many in the village preferred to distance themselves a little from Ricardo's house.

Ricardo wanted at least to have two adults who loved him, who lived with him and made him feel like family.

He thought that everything would have been easier if he had even had older siblings. He knew that it was not good for a child to live alone. There were days when he slept very exhausted and sad.

His faithful friend Lobo, took care of him and made him very happy in the middle of everything he was going through, he played with Lobo and felt that the hours flew by, his company made him feel safe and brave to go on with each day.


-Pronto se irá amigo.

-Pronto, suena lejos.

-Me tendrás en el día, no te dejaré solo.

-En las noches, lo haces.

-Buenas noches Lobo.

Se fue Ricardo a dormir muy triste, dejando a su amigo Lobo solo en el galpón.

Hablaba por los dos, ya que con la mirada sabía lo que Lobo le respondería a él si hablara.

-Soon it will be gone, my friend.

-Soon, it sounds far away.

-You'll have me in the day, I won't leave you alone.

-In the evenings, you do.

-Good night Lobo.

Ricardo went to sleep very sad, leaving his friend Lobo alone in the shed.

He spoke for both of them, because with his eyes he knew what Lobo would answer him if he spoke.



will continue...



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