Elections in a dictatorship-Monomad challenge


Two months ago, most of the inhabitants of Venezuela expressed through voting that it was time to elect a new president. However, for the past 25 years, the same party has been in power.

These photos capture the latest protest, which took place last month.

There is uncertainty, but one cannot just sit and wait for something that may never happen.

There are two options: accept the situation and deal with all the effort it entails, or emigrate, which is also an extremely important decision.







Unas fotografías que sin duda capturan a la perfección lo que fue ese sentimiento de las protestas y sin duda es algo complicado, quedarse y acatar la situación o irse e intentar algo distinto. ¡Excelente trabajo!

Gracias, bro

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!