Shadows and contrasts on the floor. [ES-EN]

in Black And White11 months ago


Hace días lleve a mi sobrina a las clases de música, ella está aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra y todos los domingos en la tarde le toca clases con su profesor, después de dejarla en casa del maestro, me dedico a sentarme en algún parque a mirar las personas pasar y tomar algunas fotos con la cámara o el celular.

A few days ago I took my niece to music classes, she is learning to play the guitar and every Sunday afternoon she takes classes with her teacher, after leaving her at the teacher's house, I dedicate myself to sitting in some park to watch people pass by and take some pictures with the camera or the cell phone.

Este domingo mientras cogía fresco y me recreaba un poco, observe como el piso del parque tenía unas losas en forma de bloques que al recibir los rayos del sol generaba unos contrastes interesantes, así que cogí el celular y realice las fotos que muestro a continuación.

This Sunday while I was taking fresh and I was enjoying it a little, I observed how the floor of the park had some slabs in the form of blocks that when receiving the rays of the sun generated some interesting contrasts, so I picked up the cell phone and made the photos that I show you below.

Después del proceso de edición, las fotos me encantaron como quedaron, espero que les guste a ustedes también, termino así, deseándoles un excelente día y hasta un próximo post.

After the editing process, the photos I loved how they were left, I hope you like them too, I finish this way, wishing you an excellent day and until the next post.

Con cariño @lindoro.

With love @lindoro.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much dear @ackhoo and @qurator Team, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋🙋

What nice details in these pictures and also a perfect contrast.


Thank you so much dear friend for the comments, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋