Cute lizards. Monomad Challenge.

in Black And Whitelast month

Cordial greetings hivers of the Black and White Community. My neighbors' yard is usually inhabited by different species of lizards. They all adorn their plants and give life to the place. They usually appear at different times of the day, always in search of food. While doing housework on my terrace, I noticed several lizards in different parts of my neighbors' yard. I automatically reached for my camera, as I found the scene very picturesque. I found it delightful to see how that small space was so full of life. That's why I didn't hesitate to photograph them. Here I share with you the images of this varied habitat, which I will use for my entry to the #monomad challenge contest. I hope you like the photos of these cute lizards and enjoy them as much as I enjoyed photographing them.


Cordiales saludos hivers de la Comunidad Black and White. El patio de mis vecinos suele estar habitado por diferentes especies de lagartijas. Todas ellas adornan sus plantas y le dan vida al lugar. Suelen aparecer en diferentes momentos del día, siempre en busca de alimentos. Mientras realizaba labores hogareñas en mi terraza, me percaté de la presencia de varias lagartijas en diferentes lugares del patio de mis vecinos. Automáticamente busqué mi cámara, pues me pareció muy pintoresca la escena. Me resultó encantador ver como ese pequeño espacio estaba tan lleno de vida. Por eso no dudé en fotografiarlas. Aquí les comparto las imágenes de este variado hábitat, las cuales utilizaré para mi entrada al concurso de #monomad challenge. Espero que las fotos de estas tiernas lagartijas sean de su agrado y las disfruten tanto como yo disfruté fotografiarlas.

Thank you very much for reading my post. May the good energy be with you. Have a nice day.


Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Que la buena energía los acompañe. Lindo día.


The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my first language.


El texto fue traducido por el traductor de Google, porque el Inglés no es mi primer idioma.

 last month  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

For me it is an honor to belong to the Black and White Community and to reach the second place among so many talented photographers. Thank you very much for your support @monochromes. Regards ☺️

Cute and adorable lizards, very pretty shots.

Thank you very much for your nice comment. Regards ☺️