Finding The Lost Friend 😂

The winter is almost over. This season is good compared to others. I usually like this season after a good rain. I went for a walk early in the morning with some of my friends. We all made this random plan for Sunday.


I just called some of my friends because we all wanted to go for a walk, although we got there on bikes.


There is a entry fee of the park all around half bucks but after 8am



We reach there sharp at 6, and it's almost free for us... there are a lot of people roaming here and there, and some kids use to play cricket and football as well... there are a whole bunch of flowers overall a good collection... i used to capture some images...



There are different kinds of flowers that i saw but these are something that i wanna is some images that i capture while finding my lost friend in the park he ran and lost in the park....


Coz it's not a regular one it's one of the the biggest in Asia as far as i know....but then I find and also capture some more images but I would love to share these images hope you loved it.


Wow, this is so lovely, they are beautiful.
I haven't come across this before.
Thank you for these beautiful flowers, you are amazing!!

Thanks man it's means a lot

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