plastic gold value

in Liketulast year


Today I want to bring you information in case you have collector's items that are worth a lot and you didn't know, there are certain toys that were worth very little when they were new, they were cheap toys but today they are very well priced, these toys are inflated plastic jumbos, they receive this name because the creation process is to inflate the plastic in molds and jumbos because they are big, these toys today are valued very well going up to $300 for example the one I show in the photo is valued at up to $400 is of the robocon character from Japan but this is made in Venezuela through the process that I already told you about and it is highly sought after, so look if you still have toys from your childhood and if you have these large pirate and cheap inflated plastic toys for that time you can have a few $$$$$ on your hands

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