What's Happening to People???

in Liketulast year

I've been in a very depressed mood for a few days. Especially these last two days, I can say that it's like a nightmare for me. The only thing that can upset me in this life is animals.

I don't know why, but I stopped feeling sorry for people and weeping for them. Because people are treacherous, wicked and hypocritical. The only innocent beings for me are animals and babies.
In our country, videos about animal shelters have come to the fore recently. I couldn't come to myself for a while when I watched it. It is not good for me to talk about its content and details again.
I wish the punishment of those who committed such atrocities to be severe. There are very simple things we have to do in order to live like human beings in this life.
_1- You will not kill or torture people or animals.

2 - You will help.

3- You will not burn the forests. (They did this to build a hotel in my country)_

Actually everything is that simple. We will all die one day. Being human is so simple, why can't we do it? When I witness all these bad events, sometimes I wish this world would end. I wish the human race would perish. Everything else is much better. We humans bring blood and hate wherever we go. Both nature and animals would be much more beautiful without us.

Similar things happened in the past, but it wasn't this bad. As time progressed, people began to become more unscrupulous and disrespectful. No one has any mercy anymore. No one understands. I don't know why we have come to this or what made us this way, but as the ages pass, human beings forget the most important thing as they develop in technology. His humanity and his compassion. When these disappear, this world will be much worse, and it continues to be.

Good ones like me can't do anything but shed tears and shout at them. Because he knows, no matter what he says, the bad person will never understand him. This is the real hell for people like us.

Still, I want the words to come out of my lips somehow, I hope these never happen again, but I know these are not the last and will never be the last. The bad guys will continue to be villains. They will forget that this is a mortal world and continue where they left off.

All the people who are animal lovers are fighting in front of the shelters without giving up. They do not want to return without taking all the animals in the shelter. There is no one to leave my cats, but I wish I was with them...

The government and mayors tried to disperse the animal lovers gathered in front of the shelter, but they did not give up. I support them to the end, my heart is always with them.

I'm so full no matter what I write, it won't put out this fire inside me.

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I'm sorry to hear about how things are with you right now.
Animals can't defend themselves, so it's awful for humans to treat them badly. Humans are wicked.

I hope people treat animals and fellow humans with more compassion.
I hope you recover quickly and remain happy.

I hope it will be as you say, but I don't have much hope for people anymore. We have developed ourselves as technology, but we have lagged far behind as humanity.

We have really lacked humanity,that's very bad

They are very romantic😁, Your cat looks very cute, I like to see it

It's a difficult thing to balance protecting animal life and balancing human life. When we grow crops even in our yard we negatively and positively affect the animals all around us. When humanity burns forests to build a hospital, apartment, or even a hotel, we do that for the betterment of our species, likewise when some animals create a home under our plants, destroying our crops.

Our lives are intertwined on the planet and its hard to keep a perfect balance of respecting wildlife in our position as apex predators. It could be selfishness, there could be a profit motive, but over all even if we do mindless tasks, we do have an effect on the ecosystem.

It's important to strike that balance, and we can never do that. But to torture an animal out of nowhere. It is criminal to kill animals by hitting them on the head with a shovel because the operation to put animals to sleep is expensive. Municipalities are guilty here because they use the budget allocated for animals for other things instead of using them for animals. When there is no money in the budget, they can't buy food and they can't be neutered. That's why animals multiply in the streets. As a solution, they kill them by inflicting pain on them. Every life deserves respect. Of course, they all have their place in the system, I'm not saying anything to him. What I reproach is for them to suffer brutally.

There are many murderous people in my country, and their power can only be enough for women and animals. Animal deaths and femicides do not end. Also, a lot of forests were deliberately burned last year. The burned places, hotels were established a year later. It may be a part of the ecosystem, but at this rate, we will make the world uninhabitable.

We just can't fit into this huge world. In fact, there is room for all of us. Yet Murders... wars... we continue to do evil from all sides.

The whole point is that evil is multiplying. This is what worries me.

I understand your advocacy towards animals having a safe place in this world. I have 4 dogs (the 4th one just gave birth to 6 pups) basically, we have 10 dogs hahahaha. And I can say that you and I, are somehow lucky because we have pets that can always cheer us up when we’re down.

I do hope that you will still see the positive side and see a silver lining in every situation because there are people who still cares and fights for this kind of matter.

Hope you have a great day!

I am very sorry for all that you are going through, dear @stellify. However, we must continue to bet on the true principles of respect towards society and especially towards those little animals, which in one way or another contribute to make life more pleasant and have a real meaning. Everything that happens outside of our own being, the things over which we do not have total control, is completely neutral. It is the attitude we take that will make the difference. Don't be discouraged and continue to contribute to making this world a good place to live with all animals. I think I read somewhere that, despite all the bad in this world, the good ones are in the majority. Otherwise the human race would have disappeared by now.

There are many of us who are with you, the work you do is priceless

Keep up the good work. We need you now more than ever.

Greetings from the heart!