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RE: WTF Weather, INSANE SNOW, Bozeman Hotspring, Gripped Driving, INSANE RAIN - Thursday

in GEMS4 months ago

That's pretty crazy. Besides Vegas and a quick trip to San Fransisco I have never been further west than Colorado before. I hope to change that one day. I really feel like a lot of the severe weather (including snow storms) has shifted a bit south over the past decade or so.


The west coast is a beautiful place but all the cities are trash. The best is to explore the Sierras and the various parks though they have been regulated to the point of annoyance, but still amazing to see. I grew up by Yosemite and explored much of the central Sierras. This year the el nino thing beat California up good but left us with less snow but more rain.

I was looking at taking my wife to Portland for our 15th anniversary this past year. Then I got talking to someone who lived there and he basically said "stay away". We ended up going to Vermont instead. We are more country folk anyway, so staying out of the cities sounds more our speed!

We drive everywhere so enjoy road trips to see places. You could do a trip up the Sierras staying only on mountain highways and it would keep you out of most of the cities and going through all the small towns. Hwy 49 started in the town I grew up in and runs north past Sacramento and hits all the 49er towns.