A charge to keep I have, a call to fulfill no matter what it be

in GEMS4 years ago

I wonder why someone would be so caring or should I say faithful to a dying mother of her own step kid with a bond that she was never going to produce kids of her own. I wonder how it would feel like for a soul to stand at such point in his or her life to make such a huge promise that may never be accomplished. But this lady was so determined to fulfill such promise that nothing for anyone could change it.


For a mother in law who never wanted her to give birth of her own, we all thought that it was going to be a happy news for her to hear after her in-law told her about the promise she made to her step kid's mother at the dying breath of her life. But that never happened when she let out the news to her.

She got more angry after she listened to her in law speak her heart out, and said she was never going to let it happen no matter what her daughter in law does. And tried to let the news out to her son. As soon as she was about to let him in on the issue all what they could see was the wife faking a collapse so nothing was said to him.


As they say, there is always some sort of feeling we get sometimes when we move to certain places. We get this feeling of not being ok or having the feeling that some who is linked to us is always around but we never get to see them. In as much as we try moving forward around the place there are always forces which pull us back.

We are then kept in wonder until we finally get to the reason why we are always pulled back to that particular place. It could either be a family or friend who is around and needs all the help he or she could get from you or just your opportunity to great fortunes which never want to leave your side. I have seen someone who gets to pick up huge monies that gets misplaced by others.

The reason is simple because he is always loyal to find the person who misplaced such money, but the funny thing is always there are a lot of people who passes by but never see the money, only for them to say they would have been rich if they were the ones whom finds such luck in their lives.

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